Thursday 24 December 2009

Welcome to Sledge City 2

Well this will probably be my last post of the year and I just wanted to say a big thanks to everyone who read my blogs, left comments and sent emails. It's been a lot of fun and very encouraging sharing with people who have the same interests. I hope Santa is good to you and you get all the wee men you would like for Christmas (I have mine already! an AB Late Russian horse battery and Cuirassier regiment and I'm told there are a couple of other items on the way Yipee!!). So have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year.

To finish off the year a few more pics from Sledgefest 2009. I have to watch what I say with this 1 or I'm in for a doing. I'll just leave it as "my sister and wife enjoying the winter air".

The gang preparing a jump.

To be honest a feeble effort at making a ramp and some how I don't think it's going to be there much longer?

The hard part.

Let's make a snow dog!

A little bit of stunt photography from myself. This is my leg as I dive out the way narrowly avoiding a smash with the 2 sledging maniacs.

We're going to need a bigger sledge!

Can I take some home with me?

Snow Angel!

That's Mai had enough of the outdoors and it's time to get back to the heat, there is only so much cold a filipina can take then it's time to call it a day!

No wonder Jasper was so keen to be with us on the hill! Cats are evil I don't care what anyone says. I know they are planning stuff.

Hope you enjoyed the pics and see you in 2010


  1. Hi Paul,

    The pics look fun, kids look as though they enjoyed themselves - Scotland always seems to get the snow. We had just enough in Newcastle for me to drag my kids around the street on their sledge.

    All the best for Christmas and the New Year.



  2. Paul, your Blogs are much enjoyed, thanks. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to you and yours,

  3. Hi Ken and Mr Peeler, you guys have a great festive season. I have enjoyed your blogs very much. Here is hoping for a grand 2010

    Best regards
    Paul and Mylene

  4. hi uncall paul merry christmas fae wee ian =)

  5. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! Enjoy that snow "Up North" (ours has all melted away!).

    All the best,


  6. Hi wee man,
    So you managed to post a comment. Very impressive. I'll work on my shooting skills to take on you and D.
    Best regards
    Unc Paul

  7. Hi Matt,
    And to you too. The Snow is holding in there up here and has continued to fall. Thankfully the roads have been kept clear though.
