Sunday 19 September 2010

Wot No Carmera!

It's a funny old life.

Lots of times I can't be bothered to take pics and put it off till later but since our wee pink camera broke down I have been itching to get snapping again!

I now have finished a Russian cuirassier regiment, a Russian horse battery and I am powering my way through a recently acquired load of AB Bavarians. Also there have been loads of exciting armies and games on show at our club too!!!!!!! Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!

The good news in those nice people at Samsung sent out a return envelope and packaging and promised to either repair or replace it. I hope to hell they run out of pink 1's and they send out a silver 1 instead (shhhhh, don't tell the wife)

So hopefully I will get her back soon but for now I'll just keep on painting.


  1. Pink - why worry? pink was good enough for the facing colours of all those dragoons and chasseuer regiments and I'm sure nobody ever called them Sissies!



    PS I'm having second thoughts about 10mm armies

  2. Very true Ken,
    I am going to stick to 15mm as they just look so much better.
    Even the ACW 10mm isn't really for me.

  3. Yeah, 15mm do look nice even from a distance and you are rewared with careful painting.

    The 10mm are fine when I'm painting them up with reading glasses and spotlight lens but on the table tend to be dark masses. (with my eyesight)



  4. I had been thinking about doing 10mm naps as well as ACW but I agree the 15mm will always be more atractive. With AB producing naps you just can't beat them for detail. Your naps in 10mm are lovely but you can't beat a nice big 15mm figure (or an army of them) marching around the table.
    I'll get the 2 10mm ACW armies I have finished then i'll stick to 15mm.
    best regards
