Monday 15 August 2011

1st Battalion 57th Iine

For the past 20 years I have had a huge amount of 25/28mm Naps figures taking space around our family homes and last year I finally decided that I was not going to start them let alone finish them. I posted on this blog with a hope for a swap with any fellow wargamer who was looking to move from 15mm to 28mm Naps. I was lucky that Neil from Napoleonic Wargamer had the same idea as me and was happy to swap his AB and Battle Honours collection for my Elite and Essex collection.
I had planned to rush through my French, not painting any buttons or edging, with very little detail work so I would have a force to fight my Prussians and Russians pretty quick but that turned out to be a piece of nonsense as I ended up trying to hit as much detail as I could. Something about spots, leopard and changing comes to mind.

Neil had given me a good start with around 14 of the figures being base coated already plus some flesh and a fair bit of detail was present in some so I managed to put them into my own style pretty easily.

The hardest part was deciding on the shades of grey so the white belts didn't look to harsh or not strong enough. I ended up with my old trust codex grey for the belts with a highlight of a lighter grey before the white on the trousers.

Anyway I am pretty happy how they are turning out. I stupidly messed up the flag. I glued the eagle the wrong way round and had to try and turn it! Total killer!!! Beautiful flags from the 1812 set of Flags for the Lads (I like their French Flags a lot!)

Any mistakes with pom poms or wings for the drummers etc feel free to point them out. I haven't looked at French for a very long time and probably missed a lot of detail. I got a little confused with the command group, I take it the eagle guard is a grenadier figure?


  1. Very nice painting and basing, Paul! Of course, I can't help thinking they'd look even better if they were 25's, LOL, but given that you decided that painting them was never going to happen, the swap seems like an excellent deal for all concerned... including the figures!


  2. They look very nice indeed, you've done a great job with the shading.

  3. They look great, I tried to speed paint some 15mm French Cav last week. 8 days later I'm just about finished lol.


  4. Beautiful work. Best, Dean

  5. Really great work!
    What blue do u use? Good looking for 15mm

  6. Hi Peter,
    Yeah I had painted parts of battalions and the odd caission and limber but 20 years down the line and it just wasn't going to happy. I think we both were happ with the trade as Neil got stuck straight into his Elite French.

    Hi Ray thanks, I kept them simple to try and get them done faster. I did enjoy doing the French as a wee break to the Russians and Prussians.

    Hi Jacko, That's pretty much what happened with these guys. I thought "right stick on some blue, red collars, cuffs and white with a little bit of black and flesh" Sure it would be that easy! :-)

    Hi Dean, Thanks very much.

    Hi Prapor, I think you will be surprised at the colours? I stuck to the colours my brother and nephew are using on their French so we all match in (GW regal blue as a base and ultra marine blue as a highlight). Not your traditional colours for French troops and the ultra marine blue has a slight tint to it that takes it a little out of the usual blue palette. They are a lot brighter than most French I see but I get round this by thinking the colours of the day were very unstable and the stand out well at 15mm.

    Thanks for all the encouragement guys!!! As alway they are very much appreciated.

  7. Great painting, I like them a lot.

  8. They look fantastic, very well done.

  9. theres just nothing like a good painted AB figure, and these are very well painted, lovely to behold.

  10. That's a great looking figures. really nice work.


  11. Excellent painting Paul, the blue really looks good on the figures.

    The flag looks the business - although when I ordered some British flags they were way too big, more like for 1/72 not 15mm.

  12. Thanks guys, I stuck some grass on them today so I switched the pics.

  13. Great looking figures as always. You just can't help it with AB they scream out for a good paint job.
    Yeah it was a good trade, unfortunately I got some more Calpe Prussians to paint so the French are having to wait.

  14. The somewhat lighter shade of blue definitely works to your advantage with smaller figures. Even with 28mm, I use a bit brighter/lighter blue color than I would on a 54 or larger; as you say one can always claim fading of the dye, but in truth it just works better on the tabletop - especially form 12' or more away; same for Russian green as well, at least IMHO.

    BTW, I actually think the French Line Infantry uniform is one of the most complex to paint of the entire Napoleonic wars. I also see that you've chosen this outstanding looking unit to represent perhaps the creme de la creme of the French Line, the venerable 57e Ligne, nicknamed [the] "Terrible".


  15. Hi Angry L, Roger and Christopher,
    Many thanks!

    Hi Dan, I have to agree the AB figures are great and many thanks. I think I can put more into the French but I wanted to get them finished faster.

    Hi Ken, Thanks for the tip with the British flags. I picked up their Prussians but the don't have the shade like the French, Wurtemburg and Polish 1812 flags I got from them. I think I will do a Polish battalion next?

    Hi Neil,
    Nothing like getting side tracked by Calpe Prussians. They must be close to the best around! Thanks again for the swap. My brother has now finsihed 3 BH battalions and when I get a chance I'll post some pics (I passed him on some AB's for flag men etc).

    Hi Peter, yes I would agree with you. I tried the foundry Russian green on my 15's but they were just too dark. I am happy with the lighter blues and the do really stand out. I may keep my Poles darker so all my armies look different from each other. I'll have to see.

    The Terrible it is!!! How terrible the will be only time will tell!!!

    Best regards

  16. Beautiful paint job!

  17. These look excellent, Paul! Its funny as I use the same GW colours for my 28s and like the effect they give as well.

  18. Thanks very much Captain R, Matt and Curt!!!

    Curt, It is very good to hear you use the same shades as your French are stunning!!!


  19. Paul, great unit. The porte-aigle (sp?) is part of the staff therefore has a white plume from memory.


  20. Thanks John, What about the epauletttes? would they be gold re. the officers etc?

  21. Paul, these are some of the best painted ABs I've seen. Nuff said!

    Best wishes


  22. Giles,
    What can I say? Thanks a Million!!!

    Very much appreciate your (and everyones) kind words and constant encouragement. I will now go and blow it an say I was a little hashy on the French ;-)

    Seriously just got back from 2 days away working and i'm goosed and very happy to see my wee blog has hit 100 followers!!!
    Thanks to everone who is following my blog and pretty soon I will be back to full steam painting. I am in the middle of painting at the moment (unfortunately it is the loft and not figures!).
    Best regards

  23. Hey Paul your French are great but under represented on your blog ;) eg paint some more of these wonderful French Troops...



  24. Hi Eric,
    Thanks for the encouragement. The French I am afraid will be a slow burner as my brother and nephew (the Davids) are working on the French side of things. Although I do plan to have my own French army eventually.
    Awe ra best
