Tuesday 9 August 2011

Perry French WIP

I stopped over at my brother David's house before we set off for Claymore in Edinburgh and as well as the figures from my previous post I managed to take a few pics of David's growing 28mm French force.

As I've mentioned before, this is a bit of a change for David as I had stacks and stacks of 25/28mm Naps up until last year and he didn't ever fancy touching them. After trying out 28mm ACW figures with Army Painter and also seeing the cracking figures over on the Saxon Dog blog David finally convinced himself to have a go at a few figures.

I think they have turned out brilliant!!! Young David started off a few of the Artillery crew but pretty much all the figures you see here have been painted by David Snr. As you can see they are not 100% finished as yet.
At each show David has been slowly adding to his collection. The last lot being a caission and artillery helpers.
I would say my favourites are the artillery figures but all the figures look great to me. It goes without saying I will have to in time paint up some Perry Prussians (and hopefully Russians) to fight them!!!
Again the pics were taken on the Saturday morning with the light streaming through David's patio doors but you can see the figures pretty well.


  1. Cheers Angry L, I think they have turned out really well. The dip is a great tool for 28mm painting.

  2. Marvelous work; they look like mini-dioramas. Best, Dean

  3. David has a nice collection there. I like how the 28mm figures have nice folds and textures in their uniforms.

  4. Very, very nice, they look superb!

  5. that is a very nice collection! I can see a promising future there!
    I particularly like the artillery!!

  6. They all turned out very nice and I agree dipping can be a useful method and adds another tool to the painters toolbox.


  7. Great looking collection. I like the large battalions and the artillery vignettes look the business.

  8. Really nice painting. Beautiful troops.

  9. Thanks for posting these images, great stuff.

  10. Thanks guys, yeah I agree David has done a fine job of the 28's. For years he wasn't sure if he could do them.
    Cheers Paul

  11. Looking very good, especially the artillery with the caisson and infantry assistants behind the battery.

  12. Cant wait to see them in battle, they are looking quite moody and I dont see why we cant get some action for they before the Winter sets in this year

  13. Hi Des,
    These are all based up and finished now! David has moved onto more battalions and also cavalry.
    Let us know when your new wargaming space is ready and we can try and work something out.

  14. great figurines !! your Prussians are very very nice ,congratulation
