Monday 14 November 2011

Saxons WIP 2

Been feeling like a kid again since trying out the army painter last night. I have the day off and have spent most of it decorating (and if the wife asks that is what I have been doing all day ;0). The past hour I gave in and managed to finish off my four Saxon test figures for the Prinz Clemens.
Big apology right out for the poor pictures, I will get that sorted over the coming months. Just wanted to say how pleased I am with my wee guys.
I decided to go with the Foundry Austrian white mid tone to repaint the uniform after AP and I am happy with that and then a final little highlight with the light white (you can't really make it out from my pics).
I will have to be more careful with my base coats as the army painter doesn't seem to be as forgiving on 15mm Naps. Not sure if it makes any difference at all to highlighting the flesh again after using the AP? I highlighted the cheek bones, nose etc of this officer ut he looks exactly like the others who didn't get the highlight. Also forgot to highlight the officers hat and boots with dark grey.
Also I think I will go down a shade for the sword blades and epaulettes etc so as my final highlight stands out better. Woodwork I will do the opposite and go lighter as the AP works best on them.
Still not sure 100% about my green for this regiment and trying to dull it down after the AP isn't so easy (something for me to think about). Really important to file/cut away any cast lines as they would stand out a mile with the AP.
Overall, very happy with my test and I recon if the figures are prepared and based up ready to paint I think I could get a battalion AP'd in a day and maybe finish it off the next (basing would another story though).

Now all I have to do is find a day!!!

A huge thanks to everyone who has took the interest to check out my blog over the past year and to all the new folk who have followed it. Great to know there are loads of people who have a similar interest in Naps. And again thanks to all your comments!!!


  1. Very, very beautifully painted. I kept looking at the image and thought who makes this 28mm figure? Amazing work. Best, Dean

  2. Excellent work, perfect painting!!

  3. Stunning work, you should be prowd.I'm fairly new to AP as well and spent the part of it working on spme Hops.

  4. That's really great results you achieving with the AP!!


  5. I may try this if I need to paint Austrians etc. Nice work Paul, be great to see the entire battalion when you get some spare time!



  6. Excellent work there, Paul. Keep it coming; I want to see more!

  7. Thanks for all the very kind comments guys!!! I'll try and keep turning the out until the 1st battalion is done. I have 14 more cleaned up and based ready to paint. Awe ra best Paul

  8. Very very nice Paul. I think the green looks great, to me anyway.

  9. Beautiful, really well done, I thought I had already commented?

  10. shocking how detailed your work is.

  11. Paul - more truly brilliant painting! The green looks great by the way.


  12. I like the green. Good looking figures as always.

  13. Thanks again guys!!!

    I have painted and AP'd another 13! took 1 hour to clean (sad to say some of the AB Saxons have a horrible lump of excess metal on a couple of their arms that needs to be cut off) and 2 hours to paint and AP!!!!

    I am off Friday (and more importantly the wife is at work) so I will try and get stuck into the rest then.

    My brain is working overtime thinking what I will do next with AP? I'm going to do a test Russian battalion of AB's and compare them to my regular painting and see how close I can get them.

    If they turn out anywhere as good as the Saxons I won't be spending hours undercoating in black and doing 2 or sometimes 3 shades to get a good result.

    Wish me luck!

  14. yes I do wish you luck as you already have the talent

  15. I really really like these guys! Nice work!


  16. Thanks a Million,

    Des Still hope to make it over for some Naps. Davids big Perry order arrived!


  17. Very good work! Actually, I quite like the green - but that's just my opinion. I too have recently discovered the uses for Army Painter. Its not for all projects but it certainly has its place in the toolkit.

  18. You've nudged me into the Army Painter experimenter ranks. BTW, I think the highlights on the face of the officer are a first class touch!
