Thursday 29 December 2011

Saxons WIP 5

Just a couple of pics to show I have actually started my next Saxon battalion. I didn't feel much like painting tonight however I plugged on and got my 1st wee man for the battalion AP'd just to make sure they would look fine. I let him dry for a short while and started messing around with the second coat (just to test the water). Thumbs up!!!
1st battalion Von Low (blue facings with white metal buttons) all cleaned up and ready to be painted. Loads of conflicting info on uniforms (even my flag sheets have conflicting names). I'm going with what the 28mm guys say.
A crap pic (someone with jam fingers was using the camera at Christmas and I have been struggling to clean it). Anyway just like my last battalion I did a test figure and he looks pretty good. Once totally dry he will be pretty much repainted, I went with a darker flesh undercoat (that looks not too bad), I'll highlight with the lighter shade so with the AP it will look like 3 shades.
The Master Plan: Robert over at "La Bricole Forum" set the rules on the painting comp (bog standard troops from any Nation). I consider the Saxons to be a cut above (ahmm) however they fit the bill. I have set myself the challenge of painting 3 line battalions (yes 3) and 1 light battalion as well as a foot artillery battery and command base, oh and some jagers before close of play 31th March. Will I be able to do it? Not a chance in the hot burny place!!! However I will try to do as much as I can as after all its a great excuse to get stuck into that unpainted lead pile.
Started converting my Saxon command tonight as I couldn't be bothered painting and just wanted to chill watching a fikm. The General was an Austrian with reshaped saddle and bicorne repositioned, fine detail still to be added. The ADC was French with the roll around his chest removed and saddle reshaped and again the fine detail to be added. I have planned to keep all my nations brigade command to 2 figures but I was tempted to make this a 3 man and put in a white uniformed mounted officer to differenciate the Saxons from my fuure French. I decided with the 2 as the red breeches of the general should sort that out.
Been on shift since 31st December 2011 and finished today 2nd at 3pm. Again I didn't much fancy sitting down to paint so after a wee sleep I did some more work on converting my Austrian and French command into Saxons following pics I have found online. With a bit of luck I will be finished them tomorrow and they will be ready to paint. Sorry about the pics being a little rough.


  1. Looking good. I am quite tempted to get some of these guys. A Saxon brigade would be very nice!

  2. Looking very nice Paul. You'll crack these out in no time!!

  3. Nice work! I have always liked what you do with these Saxons.



  4. Thanks guys,
    Hope the Saxons turn out well.

  5. Looking forward to seeing your Saxons. I'd love to have someone locally start working on the French so I could have an excuse to work on some Saxon or Bavarian allies! :)

  6. John (VonBlucher)2 January 2012 at 14:30

    Paul, hope your'e finding some time to work on those Saxon's.

  7. Hi Paul,

    Love that you have started out the new year with an ambitious goal for this painting competition - I'm rooting for you. Thanks for posting your first conversions - you're quite talented with the green stuff - you know how to blend it really well. When you get around to sculpting your own figures, they will be stunning.

    I am in the process of generating my next series of sculpts and will be posting in a few weeks.
