Sunday 27 May 2012

Dragoon Command Base

Painting is still slow at the moment with me, however I have managed to complete my AB Russian dragoon command that I started last year (yes you read that right "last years"). I start loads that get pushed to the side until I take the notion again.
 I converted the General a while back and can't quite remember what he looked like originally? I think his hat was in his right hand and I added the sword?
I have painted them for the Kurland dragoons and I have 30 dragoons to go with them but they will be done at a later date (much later knowing me!). For the moment they will be leading my Russian cuirassiers into battle until I complete my cuirassier command base (in progress at the moment).

If you read my last post you will remember that I stripped the trumpeter after painting his lace yellow (as his buttons are brass). Strange seeing him with white lace but he looks fine and that does appear to be accurate for all the dragoon trumpeters of the line (guard having yellow lace).
A funny thing, when I received my dragoons I noticed that all the trumpeters had the early style caterpillar crest on their helmets. I asked Ian at fighting15's and he said that AB never created a figure with the later style helmet crest, hmmm strange? so I had to carve it myself.
When it came to painting the officer and trumpeter I noticed that both appear to have the large gauntlet style glove on their right hand but had the small glove on the left with coat cuff of facing colour over it. All the troopers appear to have the gauntlets so I added the detail needed with green stuff.

My Pavlov's are coming along slowly but are coming along. I have jumped slightly by working on units and command bases that I started a good while back. Thanks to everyone for keeping me on track especially Von B and RTB who fill me in on their own progress and give me loads of encouragement!


  1. These are fantastic. Are they AB?

  2. Excellent work, Paul.

    Your posts are few these days, but still worth the wait!

  3. John (VonBlucher)27 May 2012 at 16:42

    Good to see them up and completed!! Great looking command group for your troops though.

  4. Hi Fireymonkeyboy thanks and they are AB.

    Hi Rosbif, Yes they are few alright. Just to much going on at the moment. Gad you like them!

    Hi John, yeah they have been a long time coming. Thanks for keeping me motivated! When we going to see your early Russian cav?

    Thanks for the comments guys!!!

  5. Very fine looking figures. You just need a project with a deadline to boost your production again! :-)


  6. LOL Peter,
    Yeah I wish there was a historical anniversary of some campaign or battle that could keep me focused on my Russians! Good 1!!! ;0)

    To be honest my biggest drawback has been a lack of free time. When I have had an hour I have been pretty tired from work so have just slobbed out. Still a little here and there will eventually get some more troops on the tabe!


  7. Looking good. A fine command base.

  8. Looking real good! I wonder how many people are readingbthis saying... If only I could paint this well in 28mm, let alone 15mm!

  9. Beautiful looking figures. Excellent work Paul.

  10. The figures are very nicely done. A hall of a high standard turned out consistently is going to take time, so just keep with it and do what you can when you can.

    Only just noticed the problem with the Russian trumpeter, but thankfully my Russians are from the earlier range.

  11. Looking real good! I wonder how many people are readingbthis saying... If only I could paint this well in 28mm, let alone 15mm!

  12. Man, you've got some skills PA, great job on these.

  13. toujours de très belles figurines. Bravo superbe travail sur de la figurine en 18mm. A bientôt Christian

  14. I am impressed of the good paintingwork!
    My compliments

    Greetings Remco

  15. Maybe slow but fecking brilliant work Paul!

  16. Excellent painting and conversion skills!! I don't think I'd have bothered doing the conversion work, you must be mad!!!!

  17. Wonderful skills on show here Paul. Great work.

  18. Superb work! It makes me want to go back and redo my Perry plastic Dragoons!

  19. Lovely stuff as always. AB should use you as a reference ;-)

  20. The russian dragoons are one of my favourite uniforms...and yours are really nice.

  21. Excellent stuff Paul!! Really well done!

  22. Wow thanks very much for all the really kind comments it really gives me a boost! Stuck at work tonight but hopefully get a little more painting done over the next coule of days. Thanks again!!! It really is a great help to bounce our ideas and finished work of each other. Best Paul

  23. Some cracking painting there, well done yourself! I've been absent for a while, but have recently mastered this newish Blog chrome thing. I don't like change!

  24. Excellent work, Paul!
    The figures are very nicely done.

  25. Hi Mr P, Good to see you back in the Blogispher and glad you like the troops!

    Hi Vasiliy,
    Many thanks, trying to keep up with you and your countrymens updates!

