Saturday 7 July 2012

1 Command, 1 Beer!!!

Got my wee Cuirassier command base completed, not super duper however completed and will do me fine.
The officer in the middle is a spare Bagration figure with a new hat and sword with saddle cover added out of green stuff. I had to redo the chest of the figure after adding a cuirass and then taking it off again (daft I know!).
The trumpeter turned out not bad but was tricky to clean up after the Army Painter was applied especially the chevrons.
I'm happy how the wee AB French casualty turned out and the gun is a spare that I probably wouldn't have used.
All in all a nice command base and I now wish I had added casualties to my other command bases.
I will have to apply more varnish to a couple of areas that are still a little shiny.
So what next? More commands, more troops, artillery? I have some figures almost finished that I think I will complete as I haven't got much time to do a full unit from scratch at the moment.
My buddy Cameron and I are planning on doing an Austrian army in 15mm mostly with Battle Honours and AB figures. I remembered I had some old 25mm Austrians kicking around so I looked them out for future reference.
 Got my Russian beer!!! Yeah!!!


  1. Lovely little vignette great detail on those blokes

  2. John (Von Blucher)7 July 2012 at 17:21

    You deserve a beer after this group!!

    They came out fantastic!!

  3. Some great work! Definitely worth more than 1 beer!

  4. I really like that command base, Paul.

    Superb composition and brushwork.

  5. What do you mean not super duper? they look pretty super duper to me, great job, just stunning.

  6. Is there nobody to help this poor french soldier?
    Great work, Paul!

  7. Paul, that has to be worth a whole pint at least...

  8. Really really like this Paul. Excellent work and worth every drop of beer you can get. I think the Frenchman is a wonderful touch too.

  9. Thanks very much guys,
    1 Russian beer purchased and with Marray and Neilson winning the mens doubles all we need is Murray to beat Federer for a perfect weekend ;0)

    I have the evening off!!!

    Phil sorry about the poor wee Frenchman, I would have thought it wiser for him to stick by the gun?

  10. Great stuff Paul. I think your incentive scheme is working well. Looking forward to what a case of beer rewards!

  11. Enjoy your beer as you earned it on that lovely vignette!


  12. Great work. Very effective use of "the dip".

  13. excellent piece of work Paul well done

  14. A beer well-earned! Fabulous work, Paul. The stand looks beautiful.

  15. Thanks again everyone,
    Dave your wee parcel is packed. As soon as I am off I will get it posted. Not much but hopefully something of use? Will find more in time.

    Phil, the Frenchmen will have their revenge when i get to their command bases. Plenty of Allied casualties.

  16. I think you did a great job on the Command stand, Paul

  17. I've been painting the same "poor wee Frenchman" recently - and you've got much more character out of his face than I managed. They all look great! Nice beer choice too!

  18. Great stuff! Definitely worth a six pack if not one lonely beer.

