Monday 27 August 2012

Austrian Generals Finished

I managed to finish off 2 of my Austrian command bases. The photos are a little dodgy as my camera is still suffering from the jam my wife managed to smudge on the lens
(just can't quite get it clean lol!).
All the figures are from Battle Honours. The casting is not to bad on the bodies although there were a couple of small holes and the legs are pretty thin but overall still nice figures.
I used some flowers that were on a bunch of FOW Germans I bought at the Falkirk wargames show. I don't plan to use them on my battalions but they look quite nice on the commands.
I had a wee bit trouble with my varnish so had to do a second coat leaving the figures a little satin however I am happy with how they turned out in the end.
Please don't copy the uniform as I am not 100% on how accurate they are as I didn't do much research on them . Oooops!!!
So our Austrian army has a couple of brigade commands now and can fight unhindered as they were being led by Prussian commanders in their absence (never a good mix!!!).
Next up will be the main commander and his pals . . .


  1. They look great! Particularly the chaps in the white jackets. Lovely detail work there.


  2. Looking very very nice, specially for me the stand with the telescope! Great work!

  3. Really nice!

    The uniforms look fine to me and anyway, you haven't been picked up for missing the trim on those Hungarians, so the Uniform Nazis obviously haven't been offended yet!

    I've just photographed my Austrian staff figures, but I think yours look much cleaner and are certainly very neat.

    Remember I said the 'new' Battle Honours figures are different to the 'old' figures? The staff also have subtle differences - have a look at mine when I post them. Just slight differences in pose and I noticed a couple of differences in the sculpting of the plumes. I'm not that anal, but I've just been cropping my photos and so spotted the differences. I've got some 'old' and 'new' BH uhlans and hussars so I'll remember to compare them when I get round to the painting . . . or maybe I'll just get a life!


  4. The officer with the green plume on his cap is painted so superbly! Lovingly detailed.

  5. Really nice command bases Paul, the flowers sets them of well without being overpowering.

  6. John (VonBlucher)27 August 2012 at 10:21

    Great looking command groups for your's and Cameron's Austrians.

    Now you just need to work on the Russian one also.

  7. Looking good Paul - top job

  8. Thanks very much for all the kind comment guys I really do appreciate them!!!

    Crazy Joe, looking forward to see your Austrians.

    Getter get onto the CnC base!

  9. Wonderful work as usual! Love the telescope!


  10. Beautiful work, Paul!

    The jam gives a nice, moody haze to the figures...

  11. Very nice Paul, they all look great, and I love the terrainng.


  12. Christopher, Peter, Curt and John thanks very much for your comments,

    And Curt that is what I was thinking, definately a moody haze!


  13. The rock formation in photo 3 looks a bit like 2 fingers. Wait! These ARE two fingers! (Seriously, the fingers give a superb idea of scale and the level of detail involved - bravo!).

