Monday 3 March 2014

Tacloban Relief Goods

Hello, It's been a while, a good long while as my last post was way back on 20th January. I'm sorry as this again is not a hobby related post but hopefully I will get back to hobby stuff soon. If you have been following my blog you will know how the typhoon in the Philippines November last year effected our family and friends. So Mai and I have been spending our time working extra shifts and mostly gathering donations on our free time.
In total we have packed 6 boxes to be sent to Tacloban for our family and their local community and I would like to thank everyone who helped out in some way! Tunnocks of Uddingston, Lees of Coatbridge, Asda New Mains, St.Vincent De Paul Lanark, St. Margarets Hospice Carluke, Deans shortbread, Margaret and Bill plus the congregation of St. John's Church Carluke, Seewoo Chinese cash and carry, Jamie and the guys at Lanark job centre, Sana and his brother of The Raj in Carluke, Welsh Pharmacy New Mains, Jim Smith plus family my family as always and all the guys who contributed from Mai's work, Marizon, Ceasar and family plus farm foods Wishaw, you are all amazing!!! You all helped a great deal with essential goods. Also Jamie, Stuart and Cameron at the club donated their toys for the kids. My bro David and my Mum were brilliant when the typhoon 1st hit and helped us keep everyone with at least some food through the hellish 1st weeks and month.

Everyone thank you so much!!!

These were the 1st 3 boxes to depart on 9th Feb. Everything was broken down into manageable portions to fit every available space. To send over goods would not be a wise option normally as the postage for 3 is £130 and to fill them would take around £500-£600 however with all the help and prices being sky high for the basics it has been very worthwhile.
It is amazing the amount you can squeeze into the boxes. Almost all this lot went into 3 boxes as well as clothes to fill every gap. So 6 boxes away in total and we will be sending 3 more filled with goods mostly for the families down by the shore line who lost everything, mostly kids clothes, beddings etc. I'll post pics of the guys receiving the boxes soon. 

This was a wee idea of my own helped by the guys from the club to give our tribe of nephews toys to play with, probably not the best use of space in boxes so I will take them over myself next year and teach them how to play.

I had been picking up odds and ends for a good while that I planned to paint for them as the boys had all shown interest in the blogs. Just need some dice and measuring tapes now. Jamie very kindly donated some old codex.

The Skeletons were fun to paint as were the space orcs.

A good wee force that fits nicely into the blue box show in 1 of the pics and light as a feather.
Anyways guys thanks to everyone who offered support over the past few months, I really appreciate it. These are as you can imagine still tough times for the guys who are still in Tacloban but there are little signs of improvements. Communications are poor as the phone lines are still down but they are working hard to get the power up and running again.

So hopefully I'll be back doing Naps related posts soon guys. I have a long running project with Craig and also a wee project with Ken I need to get back on track (sorry gents!). I have a few more crazy shifts then I can get my head together. I noticed I dropped a few followers recently, all I can say is I'm sorry for the delay in posts but there were far more important things going on in our lives.

Best regards


  1. Paul, We were all happy to help - and I'm glad my old bits and bobs will be going to a good cause! Well done to the two of you for pulling all this together.

  2. Thanks guys! And now Mai is done in with the flu! Proper done in, talking to me in her own language and scorching! Must have been all the stress this past month? Can only survive so long on full speed then u need to crash I guess?

  3. Nasty! Keep the fluids up, and rest. And take care yourself!

  4. John (VonBlucher)6 March 2014 at 20:13

    Hopefully Mai gets better soon. Unbelievable amount of goods your sending over, I'm sure they thank God, every that they have such supportive family. to help out.

  5. That's an incredible effort to fill those boxes. Have they arrived there yet? The LOTR figures look quite smartly done too. Have you been indulging a closet hobby Paul?

  6. My blogger seem to be acting up again, ray I didn't see your comment until today and you posted it on the 3rd?

  7. The boxes will take a wee while to get their Craig. I can definitely say I'll not be changing to fantasy painting!
