Thursday 3 April 2014

Von Lutzow WIP 2

I hope I'm not boring anyone with these conversion updates as opposed to painted figures? I am glad to say that the Von Lutzow Freicorp figures are now finished and I can move onto other projects.
The figures are the AB landwehr figures with head swaps of shako'd heads. I think this worked really well but was pretty time consuming. Craig suggested the British trotter back pack which will make them exclusively 1813 I believe? This gives you the chance to mount the greatcoat/bedroll? on top of the pack giving a very unique look to go along with the all black uniform. These guys will look very dark and moody on the table!!!
I copied the back pack from the AB Peninsular Brits so fingers crossed I did a good job. I had to file down a lot of sacks on the figure and although time consuming I think the finished result works well? Their were a few figures with axes so tried to convert them into the fusilier type sword with strap added where possible. Hopefully this works well. We figured as they are Freicorp they would have a mix of kit anyway so if you see any glaring errors I apologise!
Some of the figures needed less work than others and kept their original back packs for some variety.
A lot of the muskets were missing slings so I added them with either procreate or green stuff. I don't think the VL carried a flag of any type but mine may?
In the front rank you can see poor Eleanora Prochaska becoming a casualty. this was a landwehr casualty heavily converted with drum added (my 1st drum, pretty tricky but looks no bad?). The most difficult bit was doing the chest strap. I had to do a fair bit of sanding to make space for it but I think it worked well. Good fun learning the stages needed to complete each item of equipment.
So now to finish off the Bavarian command stand for my buddy Ken. This will be Wrede with an ADC and Staff officer. These are old conversions I did a few years back. The Staff officer needs some more detail added. I'll post pics when the are finished . . .
sorry forgot to add in a link to Malc's charity fund raising for stroke Association over on 10 figures a week. I still need to get over and donate myself but will get to it once things slow a wee bit. A great cause!!!
. . . Happy wargaming!!!


  1. Love seeing any 15mm conversions, great work on these, mass head swaps at this scale are very time consuming, I did a 24 fig regt of the Bavarian Grenadiers with bears skins once, a dremil really helps.

  2. Thanks Dan, yeah I remember U doing them. I feel your pain. Literally! My fingers are red raw!!!

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Fran, I take it you and Ray are working a lot these days, not seen many updates on my blog list from you guys

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Christopher,
      I'm really happy with them!

  5. John (VonBlucher)3 April 2014 at 10:07

    Great looking conversions, can't wait to see them painted up.

    1. thanks John, me to, a wee bit of interest on the table.

  6. Great jobPaul, and wonderful dedication!

    1. Thanks Dave, much appreciated. I know you will be well aware of the sore fingers!!!

  7. I enjoy seeing your conversions. Terrific work on the conversions, by the way.

    1. Thanks Jonathan,
      I don't know how the figure sculptures do it? These conversions took name an age!

  8. Quite the opposite sir. There is little conversion work done at this scale. I find this stuff both interesting and useful.

    1. thanks Michael, never thought of it that way, if only the von lutzow were available in the AB range to save me the conversions. Is its of some use brilliant!

  9. Brilliant conversion work, very impressive!

  10. Excellent conversions, again, Paul. Those AB figures really are fantastic; if I didn't already know, I'd have assumed they were 28mm!

    1. Thanks Rosbif, they are great figures to fiddle about with.

  11. Amazing stuff you do with conversions, Paul.

    The Lutzow Freikorps is a fun unit to add to a Prussian force.

    1. Thanks Peter, I don't think any Prussian army of 1813 complete without them.

  12. Looking great Paul. I can't wait to see them painted up.

    1. thanks Craig, fingers cross Oli don't mess up the painting! have an old military modelling with brunswickers dobe with sone nifty shading. Plan to do the same.

  13. That drum is superb! Ru

    1. Thanks Ru, not bad for a 1st attempt, need a bit of practice.

  14. Great work Paul, you are really taking this range to another level mate. Love them....

  15. Thanks Darren, much appreciated! How you getting on with the 28mm collection?

  16. Not very well at all to be honest Paul..... need some inspiration........ Lol
