Tuesday 17 June 2014

Silesian Landwehr 2nd Battalion

I'm sorry for the lack of posts, its been a busy wee while in our lives with home, work and the good weather have all been getting in the way of painting. I haven't been idle though. I spent a good while working on Von Blucher's guard chasseurs enlarging them to a 40 man unit however I have taken a break from them for the moment. I had an unfinished landwehr battalion waiting in the wings and decided to get them finished off a couple of figures at a time.
Mr Bartons Prussian landwehr are some of my favourite figures as there are so many poses and fortunately were a lot of fun to paint as you need a load of them for late 1813-15 battles!
I converted a zimmerman for the battalion from pictures in Stephen Summerfelds Prussian landwehr book (brilliant book!!!) and I'm really chuffed how he came out.

As best I can I try to add 1 character figure into each base be it a drummer, officer or a cheering chap. I feel it really gives yer battalions life.
The shades don't appear well in the pics but you get the general idea. Sorry about the iffy pic quality!!!

My Silesian landwehr so far. I know progress is slow however I can promise a couple more posts this month.

I hope everyone is well and enjoying the summer!!!


  1. Another beautiful and srunning work Paul, really impressive!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Fran, they came out well in the end. A long time on the painting table!

  3. A very very impressive unit, to think you can achieve that kind of detail in 15 mm is just astounding!

    1. Thanks BP, it takes a while but I get there in the end. Glad you like them!

  4. Excellent stuff as usual Paul, very nice figures very nicely painted.

    1. Thanks Malc, I am finding it hard to do the ten figures a week as I take a lot of figures so far then move onto something else. 1/3 of these guys were done a few months back.

  5. Brilliant. The cheering chap is one of my favourites.

    1. Thanks SoY! yeah he's mine to. He is a great figure. I really live the wee characters AB has added into his range.

  6. Desde hace mucho tiempo he visitado su Blog y he podido ver sus magníficas figuras. Son verdaderamente hermosas, están estupendamente pintadas y dispuestas con un gusto excelente.
    Reciba usted mi admiración. Saludos cordiales desde el lejano sur. Carlos Piñero. www.juegosdehistoria.blogspot.com

    For a long time I have visited your blog and I have seen your magnificent figures. They are really beautiful, they are superbly painted and excellently arranged at their bases. You get my admiration. Best regards from the far south. Carlos Piñero.

    1. Thanks Carlos, really glad you are enjoying the blog. Sorry it's so long between posts!

  7. Striking brushwork, Paul! Difficult to believe those are 18mm ABs. Best Ldw I have seen.

    1. Thanks Jonathan, yeah I think AB do the best 18mm landwehr?

  8. Absolutely stunning. The quality of the artwork is simply staggering. Well done! And I love that zimmerman!

    1. Cheers Craig, I thought you may like the Zimmerman!

  9. Paul those are fantastic work! As usual!!!

    1. Thanks DHC, I trust you enjoyed your latest visit to scotland?

  10. Replies
    1. Thanks Sgt Steiner, another battalion to fight of the Corsican ogre!

  11. Replies
    1. Thanks Christopher very much appreciated!

  12. You really do a marvelous job with these little guys Paul. I'm always amazed.

    1. Thanks Jason, much appreciated! I'm waiting patiently for your own Prussians to spring to life!

  13. John (VonBlucher)19 June 2014 at 15:51

    Paul, See what happens, I don't check your blog for a few days and you post some beautiful minis.
    Great addition to your Prussians.

    1. It's the long delays in between john that's the killer. I'm a painfully slow painter especially I'm good weather! Thanks john! Another battalion ticked off!
