Thursday 11 December 2014

Boki Russian Command WIP

Something a wee bit exciting for me and also wee bit scary!!!

Sho (Boki miniatures from Estonia) put a few samples of his new 6mm napoleonic range in with my latest 18mm order and I am very, very taken with them. They are so detailed, easy to paint and to be honest so cute that I think I maybe ready to paint up a couple of opposing armies and that is the really scary bit. The only thing that concerns me are the flags for the battalions. If I suss out how to do that then I'll go for it 100%. Does anyone do nice 6mm naps flags? What a crazy question to ask!!!!

Anyway these are the smallest figures I have ever painted, at least I think they are? I believe both these guys are Russian generals. It's been a while since reading up on the Russians so I may have got a couple of things wrong but who cares they are tiny!

I can't believe the amount of detail Sho got into them, he really has created something pretty special!

I've still to varnish the edge of the base then I'll add a little grass. I can't wait to paint up the little artillery crew Sho sent over next!

And here they are next to their 18mm countrymen. Sho well done buddy and keep them coming!!!

I was so excited about these little guys I pushed on and finished them tonight! I hope you can see why I like them so much.

Insane detail for such a small scale, I've no idea how he does it?

If you are not aware of Sho's figures there is a link to his website on the lower left of my blog.

Happy wargaming


  1. Incredible well done!
    You are truly the great master of painting.
    I myself cannot paint this little chaps so good. Just finish my own and start make photos.


    1. Cheers Sho, lovely figures, so I got the overcoat wrong, should have been grey. My memory is terrible perhaps a personal item!?

  2. Your right Paul excellent detail and a superb paint job!


    1. Thanks Christopher,
      Glad you like them. I'm thinking you could get a full army in a thin A4 plastic container?

  3. I've always fancied 6mil Napoleonics, but I've got so many 15/18mm I've passed the point of no return,However, these are something else!

    1. I know what you mean Gary I'm the same but they seemed to paint up very quickly. I'll see how it goes with the other troops before I decide.

  4. Brilliant work. I must have a look at these miniatures (both scales).

    1. Thanks SoY, Sho has just recently started selling his range and is still finding the best scales to produce and with each new release they are getting better and better.

  5. It is the first time I see figures 6 mm that I really like.Congratulations!
    Best regards from the far south. Carlos

    1. Thanks Carlos, it's new to me. I picked up some 10mm a short while back but they didn't catch my imagination. These wee guys do. I'll have to see how people handle 6mm naps. If the entire battalions, cab regiments, artillery batteries are based on a single base and what rules are good for larger battles.

  6. John (VonBlucher)12 December 2014 at 04:34

    Great job on these!! I considered 6mm years ago after I moved away from 25mm and 15mm Minifigs. I actually bought a couple of packs, but AB came out with the first of their 1806 Prussians and I was hooked.

  7. Thanks john, I can see why you were tempted. I'll stick with 18mm as my Mai but with the speed these wee guys paint up I'll see if there is anyone else close by interested.

  8. Brilliant...details are incredible!

  9. "..what rules are good for larger battles?"

    My rules EMPEROR of cource. ;-)
    I understand, that even in 15(18)mm I can't put on table full armies, except for simplified Standard version of rules.
    So all this 6mm stuff I design to full glory of my rules (from which no one know nothing about yet).


  10. Insane amount of detail on those 6mm figs!

    I like the idea of the mass effect that you can get with 6mm but just too small for my poor old eyes these days.

    1. Hi ken,
      Yeah it's the mass effect I'm thinking of to. I'll see how my own eyes hold up!

  11. These look better proportioned than what you usually get nowadays and terrifically painted. I used to have four 5mm Heroics & Ros armies (also well proportioned figures) and used Revo flags. Could also try Pete Berry at Baccus?


    1. Thanks Davy,
      This is my 1st experience with figures so small. Have a sample hussar here, now he is terrifying!

  12. ... oh, and the 18mm figures are also terrific (as usual)!


    1. Thanks Davy, they'll always be my 1st choice.

  13. Replies
    1. Thanks Dave, they were loads of fun to do. Never thought I'd be painting anything smaller than 15mm

  14. Not much of a fan of 6mm in general, but both the figures and your paint job on them are extraordinarily good, Paul.

    OTOH, the best decision I ever made in this hobby was to stick to one scale only! Regardless, it's what flaots your own boat that matters!

    1. Thanks peter,
      I'll keep your advice in mind. I'll start small and see how it goes.

  15. Very nice. On the flags, why don't you find some from one of the free sites on the www (Warflag?)and scale them down.

    1. Yes once I get into the battalions I now have a source.

  16. If you like dioramic basing, 6mm figs are a ton of fun.


    1. Thanks FMB that's exactly what I had in mind. I've spotted a couple of lovely examples in the past.

      Do you have any links to nicely done 6mm diorama style posts by any chance?

  17. I thought they were great 15's and was impressed...then it dawned they're 6mm I'm stunned.

  18. Amazing work. The comparative shot is astounding.

    1. Thanks Craig, I've sorted out the overcoat to grey now to.
