Wednesday 24 December 2014

Merry Christmas!!!!!

So we have made it to Christmas once again!!!

A very late post, Mai is getting ready for church so I have a few minutes left. A big thanks to everyone who has shared our hobby through my blog over the year. I haven't painted much at all this year and I'm sorry for that, heres hoping for lots more in the next year!!!

So for my last post of the year I have managed to finish off a very long running incomplete regiment of Russian cuirassiers!!! I've had 24 of them finished since 2010 and have finally made them up to full strength!!!

So here they are all 30 Russian Ekaterinoslav cuirassiers!!! 

They are done in my old style so the black is showing through in areas instead of a darker shade of the highlight colours. Still I'm really happy with them.

These are the 6 that took so long and it's really brilliant that they are done!!!!

I almost had them done a couple of weeks back then I stuck the flag upside down after reminding myself to make sure I check before using a little superglue for the final fix! Yip I'm a clown at times!!!

I also sorted out the coat on my new 6mm guys. I have been doing Russians for a good while now yet still it left my head that commanders wore grey coats! 

Ok so my time is up and this is my last post for the old year. I still have to track down 3 of the give away winners so I'll chase that up after the new year!

Everyone have a very merry christmas and a happy new year!!! I know I have a small selection of AB naps in a box under the tree!!! I'll fill you in later . . .


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Monty and a merry Christmas to you to!!!

  2. Hope you have a nice, peaceful Christmas with no undue excitment or unwanted news (!).


    1. A very good point Gary, and the same to you!

  3. Beautiful work as always, Paul!

    Merry Christmas to you!

  4. awesome painting!

    Merry Christmas and a Happy and peaceful new year

  5. Another splendid unit.

    All the best for 2015

    1. Thank you SoY and the same to you and yours!!!

  6. Merry Christmas!

    I remember those cuirassieurs with infantry colonel, leading his charge. ;-)
    Exhausting work! I are able to paint so many figures per regiment only in 6mm, if even that.

    And grey overcoat on 6mm general looks magnificent too.


    1. Lol year that's right Sho, he still has the added infantry officer neck piece. If only I had your knowledge on russian uniforms.

      Glad you like the 6mm guys. Hope to see them on your customers wall of fame one day!

  7. Merry Christmas Paul and congrats on completing another stunning unit!

    1. Thanks Millsy, they took long enough. Have a great festive season!!!

  8. Wonderful minis as always...Merry Christmas Paul!

    1. Thanks Phil, I'm trying to broaden my wargaming horizons so I'll be looking out for your diverse gaming posts in the new year.

      Merry Christmas!!!

  9. Merry Christmas Paul! Another wonderful looking unit!

    1. Thanks Rodger and a merry Christmas to you and yours!!!

  10. Merry Christmas, Paul.
    Great looking Cuirassier regiment, too!

    1. Thanks Peter I'm glad they are done! Merry Christmas!!!

  11. Lovely stuff, Paul, and Merry Christmas!


    1. Thanks FMB, bs the same to you and yours!!!

  12. Happy Xmas Paul, I've added a few AB,s to my list of too do's and I feel your pain about the flag. Been there done that.
    Hope you're all having fun.

    1. Hi jonathan, I look forward to more of your ABs! My big day is actually tomorrow as I only seen the family for a short time today before heading off to work.

  13. Beautifully done, they look wonderful!

    1. Thanks chasseur, it's goot to have them done!!!

  14. Merry Christmas Paul, and all the best to you and yours for the season. I hope that you all get more painting done than you expected, and played more than you painted.

  15. Most wonderful work Paul and a Merry Christmas to you and yours!


  16. John (VonBlucher)27 December 2014 at 14:06

    A belated Merrt Christmas Paul, and another excellent looking unit to add to your armies.
    Uou need to finish up the Guard Chasseur Unit as that will be equally stunning.

  17. Russian cuirassiers look great and you have done an excellent job with these Paul

  18. Impressive unit. Hope it charges well on the table top. Happy New Year!

  19. Thanks John and to you, your right I definitely need to finish the guard Chasseurs off. Speak with you in the old year.

  20. Paul, apologies for failing to see this post earlier; but a marvelously large unit of splendid cuirassiers in white. As far as flags go, I've been known to do the same once in awhile too! Belated Merry Christmas to you, and wishing you a great New Year. Dean

  21. Gorgeous figures Paul. Happy New Year mate and look forward to some great new posts and units in the coming twelve months!

    1. Thanks Carlo and all the best for the new year to you to! Let's hope we both get a good few things painted up!!!

  22. Happy New Year to you and yours Paul.
    Looking forward to your future projects.I have recently restarted my wargaming passion after a 20 year gap. I visit here for inspiration which is supplied by the bucket load, I may even join the blogosphere :o!!

  23. Hi Didge H, great to hear from you. I was the same with naps a 20 year gap. Thanks and glad you get some inspiration from my troops, very kind of you to say! If you have the time for both painting and blogging go for it, it's a great way to keep you motivated and the many hobbiests online can keep you going when your painting buzz is dipping!
