Monday 11 January 2016

Saxony 1813 Terrain

Hello, its been a long while since I put up a post and I'm really sorry about that, I had intended to do a few around Christmas and New Year but everything caught up with me. I was rota'd on Christmas, Boxing day, Hogmanay and New Years day plus some other stuff that life throws at use all as we get older so I tried my best to fit in a bit of festive fun for myself with my family and friends around the holiday time so although I continued to make the odd video, setting out a blog post took a little to much time to plan.

I wish everyone a belated Happy New Year to everyone for 2016 lets hope it will be a good 1!!!

On other news I'm back to using a Laptop for doing my blog combined with Mai's old pink Samsung camera for pics so we will see how that goes. Mai has repossessed the Ipad! Anyway when I finally got a break after New Year I decided it was about time I did some terrain for Saxony 1813 and I'm very happy how they have come out. Sorry the post is a little picture heavy! 

My Leib hussars smashing their way through a Saxon town: My Prussian light cavalry were involved in a very sad dropped box incident, you will see a couple of the horses noses were scratched but not half as bad as my lancers and Landwehr cavalry! I'll get them sorted out though!

Some of my Nephew David's French light infantry trying to keep my Prussians out.

So this is the 1st piece of terrain in full: My brother David passed me some hard board around 3-4mm deep and I cut it to size, the buildings are from Faller (the large buiding) and 2 resin buildings that I picked up at Claymore a couple of years back (the resin is light which is a handy thing for the wargames table).

Napoleon coordinating the defence of the village: The fields are young David's. I made some fields from offcuts of the card and will show them later as I have another village and farm on the go.

Blucher and his heroic Landwehr taking the village from the evil French invaders.

My Saxon troops trying to influence the future of their nation: After supergluing the buildings in place I used different grades of sand to make the roads and grass areas then painted them earth brown and highlighted with light shades of earth and sand.

My proud Saxons after liberating their town: I used a couple of different shades of grass, and silfour turfs I got from Kenny Thomson from the Falkirk club. I also added little runners up the walls. These were a great find, they were knocked down to clear and I should have bought more as they look excellent when added in.

My 2nd terrain piece finished is an old church I picked up off ebay: I had already given it a rough paint job for our Plancenoit battle but I wanted a more subtle finish for our long term use. Young David's OG young guard trying to clear out my Prussians.

The outer wall was also picked up from ebay, 1st item on the list with a "15mm Wall" search on ebay and its a cracker, I have loads left over and you can break bits off to create rubble. So I have 2 more terrain pieces almost done however I am painting a Saxon grenadier battalion at the moment. Really excited about doing my Saxons again!

So that's it for now, I am looking forward to blogging more this year and sorry for not getting around everyones blogs. Now that I am comfortable with the Laptop I should be able to contribute to our community more, Also I plan to take part in a few games this year and have a few in the loft with my nephew David. So again all the best to everyone and Happy Wargaming!!!


  1. Excellent photos, Paul, and Happy New Year!

    1. Happy new year to you Jonathan, all the best for 2016! Thanks for the encouragement!

  2. Beautiful pictures Paul, these buildings are really the figures, of course! And happy new year to you and yours!

    1. Thank you Phil, I've been lacking terrain fir so long it had to be corrected! All the best for 2016!

  3. Very inspiring. Well worth the wait. I am sorry to hear of your mishap with your figures. I have done that myself. Painful.

    1. Thankyou very much duke, I was able to hold back the red mist. My own stupidity, glad you like the building duke!

  4. Lovely terrain Paul, happy new year!

    1. Thanks Fran, hope you have a peaceful and prosperous 1 over in Ireland!!!

  5. Paul - a dropped box,I feel your pain!

    Love the scenery...

  6. Splendid stuff, the buildings and figures look great together.

    1. Thanks Jacksarge, I finished a farm tonight and very close with the 2nd village although not quite as nice as the 1st.

  7. Great pictures Paul each one tells a tale !
    Regards Gav .

    1. Cheers Gav,hopefully they will see some action soon!

  8. Agreed! Somehow saying merely that everything looks wonderful falls short. In any case, your buildings, scenery, and troops look spectacular.

    Best Regards,


    1. Thank you very much Stokes, thanks for the very kind comment!

  9. Happy New Year Paul - hope 2016 is good to you - better rotas would be a good start!
    These building vignettes are excellent, the Faller tuff is brilliant for 15mm.
    I am constantly impressed with the quality you get on those miniatures, very special. With this in mind the dropped box incident is most unfortunate.
    Good luck with the painting and gaming this year, best wishes,

    1. Cheers Jeremy and I hope you have a great year, I'll
      Look forward to your battle reports. Will be interesting what troops you add to your collection next! With the rota, what can I say? I should have studied harder!

  10. Happy New Year Paul!
    What a wonderful post mate. The buildings and other terrain are first class and as always, your figures, and those of young David, are really something to behold.

    Looking forward to your AAR with the 1813 themes throughout the year.

    1. Thanks you very much Carlo and to you have a great 2016, glad you enjoy our stuff, I'll look forward to more from you this year to!!!

  11. Beautiful work Paul - the terrain provides a super frame for yours and David's handsome troops! Just moved house...I'm scared to open the troop storage in case any are broken but I feel your pain!

    1. Thanks very much Ru, and thanks for all the encouragement over the past year really appreciate it buddy! Hopefully the move went smooth and your cracking on with your own collection!

  12. Excellent terrain and happy new year. Hmm I wonder if using their HO scale buildings with 28mm might work.

    1. Thankyou very much chasseur! I know lots of guys who use n gauge terrain for 15mm so HO may work fine with 28mm for the footprint?

    2. Actually I just stuck elite miniature Prussian's next to the village, doesn't look right to me.

  13. A great post to start the year 2016 Paul. The timber framed houses are very evocative of 1813 Saxony for me ... but then I've never been to Saxony and certainly not in 1813 so what do I know!!!! It does mesh with pictures I've seen I hasten to add! 8O))

    von Peter himself

    1. Lol thank you very much Von Peter, That's good enough for me!!! I've just finished a farm and now working on my 2nd village.

  14. Replies
    1. Thank you very much Rodger, that's really, really kind of you!!!

  15. Great looking buildings, Paul!

    1. Thanks Peter, terrain isn't the easiest thing for me to turn my hand to so I appreciate your encouragement!

  16. Blinding stuff as ever really like the church

    1. Thanks Sgt Steiner, it's growing on me, I wasn't keen on the church at 1st as it was badly built but it does make a good setting for gaming. All the best for 2016 Sgt S!

  17. Nice work Paul! Some really great looking buildings there!

    1. Thanks very much Samuli! Good to see your Saxons grow!

  18. Brilliant looking terrain Paul and Happy New Year!


    1. Happy new year to you Christopher, thanks very much!
