Tuesday 22 November 2011

Saxons WIP 4

I know I said that I wouldn't be posting anymore work in progress pics until they were all based and finished but I think it will be another week or 2 before I get the chance to finish them due to work (and decorating before Christmas commitments, remember if the wife asks you ain't seen me painting wee men!!!). So I decided on 1 more WIP set of pics as I just got them based up.
Loads of finishing to do: another coat of PVA, earth brown then dry brush lighter on the sand. Then I have to work at finshing off each individual base. I have left a lot of buttons and highlights to the last plus a few corrections on details, drummers wings etc (However they are now a unit and all based up ;0).
 My wee sapper dude, very pleased with him and over all well happy with the AP method for painting white.
 Oh and 1 last point . . . Saxons Rock!! I'll definitely be doing a good few more.


  1. Those look great I once had a Saxon army in 15mm!

  2. They really are turning out very nice!


  3. Cant wait to see the completed articals!

  4. Excellent work, Paul!

    I see you got your flags sorted, too!

  5. Beautiful work, great looking in a unit as well.

  6. Looking good. Just however wait til the beggars run away on ya!

  7. Really lovely work! Great detail and finish, for 15mm; would look good on a 28.


  8. Great painting! Saxons are nice to paint for 15mm figures, just a quick undercoat of white and that's 90% of the figure done! Thank God for dips!!

  9. Very good! You are nothing if prolific there mate. So did you use army painter? did you use a brush? thats how I apply it. on all of mini's. Infact I went to use my AP dip the other day and it was hard as a rock so I ordered more like a wk ago and it still wont get here until the 30th, so that is why nothing has been up on my site in the last wk...lol anyway again great work!



  10. look forward to seeing these guys are all based up!



  11. They're absolutly wonderful. I'm always impressed on how well that small scale really works.

  12. Thanks a million for the encouraging comments guys, has really helped keep me motivated since my shift pattern change has left me unable to attend our club!

    Razor1, Yeah I am painting it on. I find it much easier to control the AP that way (especially in 15mm).

    Awe ra best
