Wednesday 23 November 2011

Saxon Prinz Clemens

I have been on a bit of a high tonight. Text JP out of the blue to see if the guys had any games planned mid week (usually I am working and can't make it) and I hit the jackpot!!! The guys had arranged a 2 night battle at the 'D' mans new house (10mm Naps Peninsular). Thankfully I was welcome to come along and the 1st night was great fun!!! Pics to come!!!
Anyway I returned pretty late but inspired and decided to sit down and get my wee guys finished and here they are.
I'm well chuffed with them in the end as I have been fitting them in the odd hour here and there and I have to be honest and say I wasn't really challenged with them. The Army Painter broke the back of them and after that I just felt they were pretty much complete. The weird thing is the AP kind of fools you. You paint the base coats of the figure then apply the AP and leave it to dry and then you go back and use another coat and then highlight those colours. So you really are applying 2 or 3 shades and it doesn't feel like it because after the AP is applied you feel as if the figure is ready to game with.
 Does that sound stupid?
I felt the detail on the edge of the flag was poor so I have painted over it until a later date when I will either handpaint it (or maybe the Flags for the Lads guys will bring out an 1812 Saxon set and save me the hassle?).
The wee sapper turned out not too bad. if I look close in at him I would say his head sits too far up and should be more into the collar. I tried different Saxon heads and this was the 1 that best fitted.
So who are these guys anyway? Well I did think I was painting Prinz Clemens regiment from the sources I used but it would appear these guys (green facings with white metal buttons) are Von Low which is fine as I had them down to paint anyway.
Will I be painting any more Saxons, Definitely! I have 3 more line battalions, a grenadier battalion, light battalion and also a foot artillery battery to do.
Question is what will I paint next?
Anyone have any suggestions on what figures they would like to see painted?
Bavarians, Russians, Saxons, Prussians, French? Command, Cavalry, Artillery or Foot?


  1. They're exquisite, Paul!

    I'd like to see some more Confederation of the Rhine Germans whether they be more Saxons, Bavarians, Wurrtembergers...

  2. Again, I'm amazed at these figures & painting. Best, Dean

  3. Excellent unit Paul. I had that same feeling with AP when I tried it. It did not save me a lot of time since I highlight and tidy up anyway

  4. Man they are nice, very subtle painting style, really like the green.

  5. Beautiful,a stunning unit to grace any napoleonic table or collector.

  6. They are fantastic !


  7. 15mm?
    Amazing painting!

  8. And what about spanish? It would be very exciting for you...

  9. Brilliant work Paul!

    I like them a lot.



  10. Great work, Paul- they look absolutely stunning.

    Would that I could weave that kind of magic with my 28mm minis!

  11. Paul - how do you do it? More excellent looking troops. How about some French Old Guard???


  12. They came out just great, Paul! I do love the Saxon flags; the unique border designs for each regiment are a pain, but they also make them special.

  13. Excellent stuff... now where is the cavalry... you kow you want too...

  14. Awesome! How big are you going to make your Saxon army?



  15. Thanks loads for all the comments, tried to post a reply before but it seems blogger is playing woith me again!! I have been thinking what to do next, looking through my troops to see what is good to go. Spaish are unfortunately out as I don't have any. I think I'll stick to foot for the moment to keep the projects small in time until i have more available. Either i will start another saxon battalion, finish off some Bavarians or I may do a french guard battalion. I plan on doing 6 saxon battalions eventually plus a foot battery and command. Regards Paul

  16. Fantastic work,Paul...your painting is sooo good.

  17. I've always thought of doing Saxons myself. Yours look great!


  18. Thanks Captain and Feldschall,
    Your kind comments are very much appreciated!

    Hopefully my Saxon army will grow.

  19. hi my name is louis and im really looking forward to doing a saxony army can i ask are these ab miniatures if not what are they

  20. Ho Louis,yeah they are AB figures.

