Saturday 24 December 2011

28mm French Artillery (1)

This is my brother David's French foot battery from Perry miniatures. I think young David painted the first 1 to get David started and he finished the rest. I think they are great!
Was speaking with David about the colours he used on the guns as I would like to use the same for my own and it would appear they used my Foundry dragoon green shade and highlight (and I'm not getting them back!!!)
You can't beat that greatcoat campaign look.
The caission kit looks excellent and is my favourite (David made a few wee bits to sit around his base, I'll have to ask him what they all are). I think the Caission still has a highlight and some inner detail to be finished.
It is amazing how much detail you can get in with the army painter.
More cool little hangers around.
There is a nice story behind these (you may have already read?). I ordered the Perry heavy cavalry army deal plus ADC and another artillery crew. I received the figures that as you would expect are superb. However it appeared we had received a Guard horse artillery gun and crew instead of the heavy cavalry Generals. I sent an email off to Perry Miniatures explaining what happened and as quick as a flash the Generals arrived and Alan Perry said we could keep the Guard horse artillery set!!! How cool is that. David loves them and no doubt will complete the battery so a win, win all round.


  1. Great stuff! I particularly like the caisson and additional crew models. I think I might have to add some to my own collection.


  2. Those are very special. Perry's, I presume? I also love the caisson.

    Cheers, Simon

  3. ps what are the white objects near to the caisson? Wool bales?

  4. That caisson is brilliant! I have to get some in 15mm

  5. Very very nice. I love them. Merry Christmas.

  6. Thanks guys,
    David done a fine job on them.

    Not sure what the white things are? will ask David.
    Regards and a Merry Christmas

  7. Very well done! A very Merry Christmas to you, David and all of your families, Paul.

  8. Painting brilliance runs in your family.

  9. Looks great and a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

