Thursday 22 December 2011

28mm French Line (1)

As I mentioned before my brother David has started a collection of 28mm Naps using Perry figures and he is quite quickly working his way through them. Des if you are reading this I would like to introduce to you your new enemy :0)
David has completed 4 line battalions.
2 with eagles (I think the 108th and the 57th, the terrible 57th!) and 2 with fanions plus loose voltigeurs. The flags like our French 15's come from the excellent "Flags for the Lads" 1812 French range.
David says he coul'd have done them without Army Painter. David has been following the Saxon Dog blog for a good while now and it has obviously inspired him to get his troops finished off.
Some of the voltigeurs with a spare command stand to increase the number of battalions if the figures are reduced per unit.
I think I may start my own 28mm collection sometime in the new year?
There will be lots more to come as I bought David the Perry Miniatures heavy cavalry army deal for Christmas!!!
And finally the General de Brigade (I think?).
Finished artillery to follow!


  1. They look splendid. I love painting these plastic infantry - even without army painter I think they are pretty quick to do. Enmasse these look terrific.

    Best wishes


  2. thats a very nice looking collection!

  3. What a wonderful looking collection! Wish I could get started on mine!


  4. That's awesome. The two of you together on a project. Already looking like an army. Best, Dean

  5. Hi Paul,

    I'm almost tempted to try this scale myself but I vowed never to leave 15mm after last time!



  6. "I bought David the Perry Miniatures heavy cavalry army deal for Christmas!!!"

    Now there's a lucky brother!

  7. Beautiful collection of troops.

  8. Great looking figures. Pity their French. : )
    I'll have to paint up some more Prussians for next year to give them a kicking.

  9. He's doing very well! Lovely paintwork and basing.


  10. You do paint fast and very well. Nice tight ranks too!
