Monday 20 April 2015

6th Silesian Landwehr Regiment

So that's them all done, placed neat and tidy in my storage box! It's a lovely feeling clearing them from my workbench and I'm really happy how they finished up. My apologises for lack of posts as I've gotten carried away with YouTube, if you like you can see my video on these guys her eyes:

Or if not you can keep on readin.

So this is the 4 battalions of the regiment with the commanding officer at the front. The flags are from GMB and are perfect for AB figures. I drilled out the hands of my flag men and replaced them with shaped paper clips. 

This is the newly finished 3rd battalion with yellow shoulder straps.

I converted the main officer from an AB Russian officer pinning a spare Landwehr head to him and I'm chuffed how he came out.

A Landwehr Hornist, this is the 1st time I have painted this wee guy as a Landwehr man and I think he came out well.

And this is the 4th battalion of the regiment, I added flowers into the last 2 battalions and may go back and do the same with the other 2? Takes a wee bit longer to finish the bases but I like the final result.

I converted the Zimmerman from the AB French pioneer using pics in Dr. Stephen Summerfields excellent book on Prussian Landwehr as a reference.

A close up of the 1st 2 battalions, the 1st battalion was done with the army painter dip method with a lot of touching up. Not bad but I prefer my old style of painting. The mounted officer was converted from a uhlan officer I had spare. The white cross belt may be pushing it a bit but he is Landwehr so any useful kit is possible?

I'm not sure what I'll be doing next? I have signed up for a May painting challenge on YouTube trying to complete an AB horse battery and part of my lieb hussars in the month posting videos almost every day! Not sure how that will flow but I'll give it a try . . .

Anyway hope everyone is enjoying the turn in the weather and also enjoying our hobby
Happy Wargaming!!!


  1. A very productive week off you've had off. Painting AND conversions for 4 battalions! Like the skin tones as well, very subtle but the AB sculpts lend to them. Do you still use the Foundry native American triad?

    1. Hi Didge, thanks glad you like them. Only finished off the last battalion this week. The rest took a while longer.

      Yeah the AB sculpts are ace, with the flesh I don't totally use the Native American skin tones I use a selection from different foundry skin tones that look right for me. Is that you over on YouTube or another DidgeH?

    2. One and the same DidgeH. Over in Jersey for a couple weeks seeing new Grandson. But I plan to put a introduction to myself vid on when back. Also influenced and encouraged by yourself I'm in the infant stages of setting up a blog 😨

    3. Have a nice time Didge and look forward to seeing your vids! If I've been an encouragement in any way I'm honoured, very kind of you are I say!!!

  2. The overal impression, as well as the details, are always!

  3. John (VonBlucher)20 April 2015 at 07:23

    Great looking unit, 4 battalions. yikes!! That's a huge unit!!it's a project within a project, and a change of pace from painting all that infantry would definitely be painting a horse unit or even an artillery unit. The bird is the word!!

  4. Thanks john,
    Yeah I agree, something that gives a bigger bang or runs very fast would be a nice addition.

  5. Gorgeous looking regiment Paul. The 6th also feature prominently in Nagziger's account of either Goldberg or Katzbach.

    John, yes, I saw that the Calpe Veteran's website also support your original suggestion. Now if only I can find the right gauge of wire. What gauge did you use?

    1. Thanks Craig and they will be stand ins on any 1813 - 1815 battke that need landwehr 😁

      If you have a small alarm clock lying around unused crack it open if it's cheap and you'll get all the wire you need.

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks Sarg!
      Still keeping a look out for a YouTube vid from yourself!

  7. John (VonBlucher)20 April 2015 at 09:43

    Unsure the gauge but it's very fine. I picked it up years ago at a hobby shop that deals with mostly ship modeling in wood. Some ship modelers use fine wire in some instances instead of rigging thread for extra strength in some applications.

  8. These are gorgeous! The landwehr and reserve regiments of the 1815 campaign were a colorful bunch. We should see more of them on wargaming tables than we do. Lovely work.

    Best Regards,


    1. Thanks Stokes,
      Yip I agree more landwehr and reserves on tables and on screen. You can't have enough of them!

  9. Beautifully painted. The officer is especially nice but all four units make a great impression. It was also a nice treat to hear your voice - I enjoyed the video and the closeups.
    Wishing them well in their first battle.
    Bird is the Word!

    1. Thanks Michael,
      I'm always a little hesitant with the accent, glad you could make me out I'm. The fades etc work ok for a 1st time, could have dropped in some clips of side and rear views now that I've thought about it. Glad that you liked it. The Bird is most definitely the Word!

  10. The Silesians are looking good Paul, I can see these guys creeping through the Bois de Paris on their way to Plancenoit.

    1. Let's hope they give the Corsican upstart something to think about when they finally get a run out!
      Thanks Ken

  11. Great looking Landwehr - the dark blue with yellow facings are superb

    1. Thanks Dean,
      Yes it's definitely an eye catching colour scheme.

  12. As always excellent Napoleonic work Paul!


    1. Thanks christopher,
      I hope your painting block has passed and you've settled on some new projects.

  13. Beautiful work, they look fabulous!

    1. Thanks Chasseur, not a patch on the stunning armies you can produce in a shirt space of time but I plod on!

  14. Gorgeous painting on great figures!
    lovely regiment to boot as well! :o)

    1. Thanks Phil, pretty chuffed how they came out

  15. Simply super and all so individual with your little 'touch ups' like the Zimmerman. Well worth the effort. Well done.

    1. Cheers Ru,
      The little Zimmerman were a fun project. Just as well I had heads from the Von Kitzow.

  16. These are great, love the crisp look to them


    1. Thanks Ian, yeah I try to keep them neat and tidy.

  17. Superb paint job Paul, very nicely done

    1. Thanks Jonathan, not in the grand scale of your peninsular project but I'm chuffed with them.

  18. excellent as usual. Cheered up an otherwise wicked couple of weeks or so!
    Although I'm not much of a fan of the 'flowers' basing approach, I think you've got it right. Some units you see on the net look like they're walking through the Chelsea Flower Show!

    1. Hi Gary,
      Sorry to hear you've had a rubbish couple of weeks, hope nothing to bad.

      Thanks on the flowers. Yeah it's a tricky one, there isn't much room on the infantry bases as it is anyway so I have to be sparing.

  19. Lovely as ever, you can never have enough LDW it seems! Best wishes, Jeremy

    1. So true Jeremy, I'm going to stop at 12 battalions. Glad you like them!
      Awe ra best

  20. "All that and a lot of bad Landwehr"... except in this case, the Landwehr are superb! Great job, Paul.

  21. Thanks Peter, I'm glad you like them!
    One day you can explain to me where the quote comes from. I'm afraid I've but heard it. I'm guessing it will be from something very important and I should know it!!!

  22. Brilliant Paul, I am afraid mine just don't hold up to this standard.

  23. Always wonderful stuff! Very inspirational.

    1. Thanks Jason your to kind!
      I would guess you and your group have put the naps on the back burner for the moment?

  24. Yeah, it's a combo of things unfortunately. My other two partners kind of pooped out on me and Nappies have been the victim of other group whims especially Saga and now WH40k.

    I'm still hoping to get a few Prussians painted before Waterloo. It will probably take me getting a playable force done first and then the others will come back and get going themselves. We'll see.
