Wednesday 1 July 2015

Falkirk Wargames Club: Waterloo Day2

Well I sat down to upload the pictures for Waterloo Day 2, but it appears I deleted them after I uploaded them to Facebook! I'm a dumbass at times! However I have the video uploaded at my YouTube channel so if you would like to take a look at day 2's exciting encounters here it is. Included is my Prince of Orange moment:

I'll get round to Waterloo Day 3 when I have a free day or 2!

happy warGaming!!!


  1. Looks like a lot of fun. Oh the fickle dice gods. They give and they take away. : )

  2. Excellent game and perfect video, Paul! Many thanks. :)

    1. Thanks Vasiliy, glad you enjoyed it buddy!

  3. Absolutely sensational - really enjoying the videos!

    1. Thanks Carlo, glad you enjoyed them! I take it you are now settling back to normal from your own waterloo adventures?

  4. Video is fantastic Paul. Awesome game!

    1. Thanks Rodger! Really appreciate your comment buddy, glad you enjoyed it!

  5. Trying my best mate however a strange thing happened during teh youngest son Alex who has never really shown an interest in Naooleonics, against his better judgement, stayed for teh day as the Grand Battery commander. He had a WOW of a time and is now discussing napoleonics with me all the time. I am busy finishing teh basing on my own French Corps (28 x 36 man battalions mate!) so we can strat to play a few more games at home. Great result mate. Looking forward to Day 3 from you.

    1. Lol that's brilliant Carlo, never hurts to have at least 1 more naps enthusiast in the family. Young David my nephew jumped quite quickly onto naps from 40k etc. that's a hec of a lot of basing Carlo! Video 3 may not be as good as i was so involved I didn't take a great amount of good pics or videos. Plus the videos I did take there was so many conversations going on at once I had to drop the sound which Was a shame.

  6. This is a truly inspirational game video. Good job on the channel, I spent a while watching these while I have been off ill getting inspiration, so much so, That I just ordered my first AB models...

    1. Hi Col. H, hope your feeling better and I hope you get a lot out of collecting AB figures and glad you enjoy the videos!

  7. John(VonBlucher}3 July 2015 at 11:58

    Beautiful images and video, I joy to watch makes me feel I'm there at the game (I wish). Luckily it was only a Prince of Orange moment and trust me we've all done something comparable in a game, and we all seem to remember on own mistakes longer than our gaming buddy's. Interested in seeing day three and the conclusion of the battle.

    1. Hi john, glad you enjoyed it. Being part was pretty great! Video 3 won't be so exciting as I was so knackered I didn't take so many pic/clips hmmm

  8. Great report Paul! Bad luck on losing your guns. Hopefully that does not turn the game on Day 3!

    1. Thanks Craig, no it was fine in the end lol.

  9. Hi Paul,
    What a great looking game, well done to you guys. I love the video presentation.
    Looking forward to the next bit.


    1. Thanks Jonathan, glad you enjoyed it. Part 3 thankfully not so many pics as I was to involved in the fighting,
