Monday 14 March 2016

Saxon Von Rechten WIP2

It has been a slow few weeks hobby wise for me, I have been pulling some extra shifts plus we had a wee break away up north, however I feel I'm back on track with my latest Saxons, 2nd battalion von Rechten and hope to have it finished by the end of the week.

The yellow shades have been fun to do which is just as well as I have another 2 yellow faced battalions to paint up. I will apologies for the poor pictures up front! I need to get myself a better camera as our old pink 1 isn't catching the focus so well since the lense had jam smeared around it by my good lady.

So 28 down with just 4 to go, I may need to give my buttons on the troops a highlight of chainmail? I went for a darker white metal to help the buttons pop on the white/yellow background but to my eyes they maybe a touch dark?

I tried painting ticking material on a few trousers and I am pretty happy how that worked out. I will keep it to a minimum but it does add an extra little bit of detail to the battalion. I think it will work best with the light troops?

I dont have any of the new French NCO's left so I've kept this battalion quite simple. I plan to order some up for my following marching battalions but its not a great issue.

John B from Oz put me onto a few figures that could be handy for the Saxons and 1 was the mounted French line officer in Bardin uniform, I head swapped in a bicorne head and I think it worked pretty well (thanks John). I will hopefully do this on a couple more battalions and command base for a little variety in the units.

So this is the 4 I have still to do plus a little brigade command I am working on.

Off to work for a few days now so I hope everyone is enjoying their gaming and painting.
Happy Wargaming!!!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks very much Phil, very much appreciated!!!

  2. Lovely work Paul .
    Regards Gav .

    1. Thanks Gav, going to try and get them finished Wednesday. Almost there!!!

  3. These are excellent, love the special stripy trousers best!
    The Lieb Hussars on the top totally impress, not so different from my Calpe 28mms and as well based in 15mm - astonishing.
    Keep 'em coming,

    1. Thanks cery much Jeremy I appreciate your encouragement.

      The Leib hussars (and a couple of other light cavalry regiments) took a fall when I was trying to do some photos for the scenario book, I have now put them back to their former glory. Serves me right for rushing around trying to do a good turn. Lol You live and learn!

  4. These are lovely Paul - AB Miniatures are just gorgeous!

    1. Thanks very much Carlo. I've enjoyed the mix of colours for the Saxon uniforms. It's a nice nation to paint.

  5. Excellent work Paul! You've done great work on the yellows. I find the shade a pain in the arse to do, but your effort really looks great!

    1. Thanks Samuli, I must admit when I started it I had the same feeling but niw that I'm reaching the end it wasn't to bad, it's just tough matching it on the white so it's not to dark it looks odd and not to yellow it disappears into the White. The problems of toy soldier painting lol

  6. Simply beautiful. Far too pretty to fight.

    1. Thanks very much Ru, let's just hope that they fight ok. I'll probably never be a good enough player t use them well!

  7. Fantastic work Paul - love the ticking!

    1. Thanks very much in, it was actually a lot of fun to do. Appreciate the comment!

  8. Craig (Beresford)15 March 2016 at 03:07

    They look a real treat Paul! And I like the new banner you've put on your blog. Thise Lieb hussars are awesome!

  9. Replies
    1. Thanks Sgt S, how are you guys getting on with the GdB scenario book?

  10. Great! I like the figure with stripe pants and the Lieb Hussars too!

    1. Thanks very much Phil, the stripes were surprisingly simple to do. Gonna add the odd 1 in each regiment.

  11. Replies
    1. Thanks very much peter, tried to leave a reply the other night but my iPhone didn't want to play ball. Saxons are fun to paint!

  12. Hi Paul

    It's great to see another Saxon battalion well on its way.

    I really like the new heading photo too. Lovely Leib Hussars ... and I'm hardly biased at all! 8O)

    von Peter himself

    1. Thanks very much Von Peter, I now have the Von Rechten battalion based just need to finish them off now!

      I think light cavalry next?

  13. Great work and love that new header picture!

    1. Cheers Fran, I figured as I now own a laptop again although I don't have photoshop I do have paint so to at least have a picture up top.

  14. What a terrific job you have done. The faces are truly amazing in such small figures, well done

    1. Thanks you Chris, I'm glad you like them, I very much appreciate your comment!

  15. Quite simply the best I have ever seen old boy

    1. Very kind and very much appreciate Marcos!
