Monday 30 May 2016

East Prussian Grenadiers 1813

I think this will be 3 posts in 2 weeks so maybe some sort of record for me? Anyway this is another unit that was lingering around the workbench unloved. This will be my last contribution to the Miniature Modelling Mayhem : May Painting Challenge. I've thoroughly enjoyed the challenge plus the chats with the guys definitely helped my output, especially in the past couple of weeks when I needed a wee lift, so thanks very much to the MMM Group on Facebook! 

I have made a little video to accompany my blog post if anyone is interested.

So the 1st East Prussian grenadiers are a combined grenadier battalion with 2 companies from the 1st East Prussian regiment with white shoulder straps and 2 companies from the 2nd regiment with red shoulder straps.
Sorry for the burnt out pictures (I'll put it down to the ipad, thats my story and I'm sticking to it) 

I have tried by best to keep the coats dark while still getting a good highlight on the blue, it can be quite tricky and you can't really see the result until the troops are based up. I've used the Foundry blue triad and for variation sometimes I skip the blue highlight mixing the mid tone with GW Fortress Grey. I've also on a few troops simply put the base shade blue over the black undercoat then mixed a little of the same grey into the base shade. I'm quite pleased with the effect.

Although it really isn't noticeable on the table I have given different hair colours to the troops. It's a lot simpler than it sounds as I paint my troops in groups according to their pose. Each group gets a specific hair colour and when all the troops are finished I mix them through giving the battalion a good variety of hair colours and poses.

I messed up on the command drummer by trying out a wash on the drum. I'm afraid washes aren't for me unfortunately. Something I have noticed in the time I've been painting my Prussian collection is that the detail around the belts of the Musicians is not always cast well compared to the troopers, you have to hunt a little for the belt work in areas. 

All in all it's great to have another battalion finished, I always get a brilliant feeling when I'm varnishing the last couple of figures of a unit. My Silesian grenadiers unfortunately, stalled not because I didn't want to paint them, simply that my available free time dried up. I may finish them before moving onto my next project however I feel that I need to return to my Saxon army soon?

I hope everyone is enjoying their projects and getting plenty painted!!!
So until next time Happy Wargaming!!!


  1. Lovely brushwork. And the wash on the drum looks fine as do the hoops.

    Best Regards,


    1. Thanks very much Stokes! I'll stick with the washed figure. They all fight just the same!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks very much Fran, Saxon lights up next. A little more complicated.

  3. Amazing work!!!
    Very have liked! =)
    These miniatures production Old Glory or AB ?

    1. Thanks very much buddy, the figures are AB.

  4. Another great looking unit Paul .
    Regards Gav .

    1. Thanks Gav another 1 ticked off the 'to do' list. Onto the next!!!

  5. Great stuff Paul really nice job on the Prussians

  6. They all look fantastic Paul, awesome painting! nice touch with the gray shading over the black shako covers!....


    1. Thanks Phil, I use 2 grey highlights but they are not shown on my pics. If I was to start again I'd use very dark Browns as some of the reenactors pics show a brown tint. Still I'm to late to go back now

  7. I've run out of superlatives, so I'll just say very nice! 👍

  8. look great - I like the echo of the black flag and the commanders black überrock; nice touch. Good 'brick red' colour for collars/cuffs.

    1. Thanks Ru, I think you just have to have a guess for the brick red, I'm happy with it. Another battalion finished.

  9. Impressive looking regiment Paul!


    1. Thanks very much Christopher, another 1 ticked off!!!

  10. Replies
    1. Thanks very much Rodger, starting to see an end to my Prussian army. Thanks for your encouragement.

  11. You have done an excellent job on these, Paul.

  12. These are bloody lovely Paul.
    Those nasty looking bayonets need to be blooded so get them into action pronto!
    Stay pretty,

    1. lol thanks Jeremy,
      I'm gonna have to get them into action soon!
      I'm afraid my pretty period has gone, was discussing it with the Mrs recently

  13. Truly beautiful work on these, Paul.
    I do personally prefer the parade ground tall black plumes on the Prussian Grenadiers myself, even if they weren't worn in the field. Without them it's almost impossible to tell them from the musketeers. That's just me, however!

    1. Thanks very much Peter, yes your right, it's pretty much impossible to tell the difference in 18mm even guard look just the same. Those efficient Prussian's with there made for purpose uniforms!

  14. Craig (Beresford)1 June 2016 at 03:19

    Masterful! The mounted officer in the dark grey litewka is a real stand out - but the animation you've captured in the faces is brilliant work. Well done!

    1. Thanks Very much Craig, must be like looking in a mirror as I guess you have painted every Prussian that I paint?

  15. You have a very distinct painting style Paul that I simply adore. Crisp and clean with the colours muted where they need to be and popping out when they should. Always love seeing what you are doing with your AB's so please, keep the world record posting rate going!

    1. Thank you Carlo, I appreciate your encouragement! That's me for the moment though as my new project (that I'm execited about) is Saxon light infantry, they need a bit of work before going to painting. Will share a WIP soon! Thanks again.

  16. Impressive work as always Paul!

    1. Thanks very much Samuli, these are the big standard lads. Can't really go wrong, just follow the same formula for the foot troops.

  17. Excellent painted Prussians! Really love the shading on the figures!


  18. Prussian Grenadiers now we're cookin' :-)

    1. That's me done for the no on the Prussian's, need to do another couple of Saxon units I think?

  19. Another mighty fine battalion. You can never have enough Prussian grenadiers. Frederick the Great would agree ... even if he was a few decades earlier. 8O)

    von Peter himself

  20. Lovely. I every way they should be.

  21. Thanks very much Ian, glad you like them!!!
