Monday 20 June 2016

Saxon Light Infantry WIP1

Another long overdue post I'm afraid, I didn't even make a Youtube video for 2 weeks. A very, very busy end of May to middle of June. However with the odd free half hour here and there I have managed to get my 1st Saxon light infantry battalion ready to paint. This is for the Miniature Modelling Mayhem Facebook Group June challenge and although I will definitely not get them painted by the end of June I am really chuffed to have the hard work out the way!

As usual I've made a little video of my progress to date.

As the Saxon light infantry has a different pattern of coat to the line and since nobody else does the figures in 18mm the only option was to convert the AB line infantry skirmishing figures with a few subs (Bavarians, Prussians, Austrians with headswaps) thrown in. It's a wee project I've had in my head for a good while with the figures already selected for the job. The above picture is a little dated as I now have the figures converted, based and undercoated. Happy days!

Sorry for the poor picture quality, the uniform has a kinda Prussians feel about it. I filed away the uniform details and also shako cord giving some troops shako covers and overalls plus some other items to try and give the unit a mixed campaign look. The details were made with green stuff and pro create. 

This is the only full dress figure in the unit, the mounted officer.

It was a little daunting at 1st with the amount of detail that was needed however once your into the swing it's actually really good fun adding the little buttons.

This is an Austrian casualty set half way done. I found a reenactors picture of a French officer with his gorget hanging off so I thought I'd try to replicate it on this injured officer with his coat part open at the top.

So that's the progress for the moment. I'll post some pics as they start to take shape.

Happy Wargaming!!!


  1. Patience really is a virtue. (We're you listening to G n' Roses 'Patience' throughout?!)

    1. Lol not for this lot. Maybe porcelain from RHCPeppers would be best for taking it slow.

  2. Replies
    1. It's not as tricky as you would think Ru, once the green stuff was down I mark the point with a pin head and and it's easy to see the grey pro create to shape it. I've started using the magnifier for the buttons, like looking at a digestive bios hit so easy to shape.

    2. I'm a little worried how many casualties they already appear to have sustained!

  3. King of the green stuff still those poor cut up ab's heartless Paul heartless 😂.
    Regards Gav .

    1. Lol, not to many died for this lot and I always keep the bits as you never know.

  4. Stunning level of patience and skill Paul!

    1. Thanks Fran, yer glad when it's done. Plus a beer now and again helps! It isn't as neat as I'd like but with so much to do I wanted to get through it!!!

  5. Looking good. Paul. Far more conversion work than I ever plan on tackling, though!

    1. Thanks Peter, far more than I would be comfortable doing normally but there isn't anything close around so needs must. Enjoyed the buttons more than I thought I would though.

  6. Really nice conversion work!

    1. Thanks very much Rod, I'd keep it more tidy but there was so much to do. Happy with it though, will
      Paint up fine.

  7. Thanks Loki, I've had them marked down for a while so it's good to get them on the painting bench.

  8. Wonderful dedication to authenticity Paul. Always a pleasure to see a master at work!!

    1. Oh I couldn't call me a master but thanks very much Carlo!

  9. Absolutely superb work Paul!

  10. Green stuff - pure magic to me so I keep away from conversions!

    1. It's not so bad Ken when you get into it, just suck up the time

  11. Great work Paul!

    I had always thought the AB Saxon skirmisher pack had the light infantry uniforms. Oh well looks like I'll have to convert mine as well when I get to them. The projects been on a backburner lately, but hopefully getting the next unit done in a few weeks time.

    1. Hi Samuli unfortunately not. The s not to say you can't just paint them green and be done with its it. It's a shame they are missing.

  12. Marvellous miniature mutating modelling Paul. I can but be astounded by your patience and fine motor skills! it is a little bit of a worry that you are enjoying the task but if pushed I can understand how a job can suck you in with a perverse pleasure!! 😃

    It will all worth it have a Saxon light battalion or two.

    von Peter himself

    1. Thanks VP, as much as I enjoyed it there was really no other choice to get a reasonably accurate Saxon light battalion.

  13. Most impressive conversion work!
