Saturday 28 January 2017

Saxon Raabe M1810 Artillery

Can't believe this is my 1st post of the New Year. A belated happy new year to everyone!!!

I've been busy painting and I'm very happy to say I managed to get a long neglected project finished.

I can't remember how long ago it was when I had the idea of converting my own Saxon guns? Well, I'm glad to say I finally got the buggers done!!!

 I used the AB French artillery in bardin uniform with conversions to the Shakos to give a more Saxon look. Not perfect but they will do me fine.

 Bases are finished in my usual fashion with tufts and flowers as if they have just set up.

Wee close up of the Saxon badge, I also added a few shako covers. The uniforms were done with Andrea miniatures greens and I've explained the process on the video above.

Did a good bit of converting on the guns, not something I'd like to do again but it was fun and didn't take to long when I got into the swing. The guns were from the AB French gun range.

I had planned on an ochre/ochre brown finish to the metalwork however Kawe of Westfalia Miniatures assured me the colour would have been a bright yellow similar to the museum pieces so I went for that, they look fine. 

Really glad to have them finished and a massive thanks to Dr Stephen Summerfield and Kawe for creating my interest in Saxons of the Napoleonic period!!! Stephens book on Saxon artillery and the Westfalia figure range have inspired my small but growing Saxon army and they have also been very kind in answering my many daft question and constantly keep me motivated in Napoleonics 🤗

I have also completed a couple of French artillery batteries so I'll post some pics soon plus I've started converting my Saxon Grenadiers of the Guard for 1813.

Happy Wargaming!!!


  1. Once again a splendid job...with, once again, amazing details!

    1. Thanks very much Phil, glad you like them buddy!!!

  2. While I have a hard time believing you actually did all that conversion work (and in 18mm, too), it came out spectacularly well, and the units themselves are nothing less than superb. Bravo!

    1. Thanks very much Peter, I really appreciate your kind comments. Was great fun bringing them to life.

  3. Yes! Both crews and guns are gorgeous. It's great to see a number of painters/gamers in the blogosphere churning our 18th century and Napoleonic Saxons. They had some of the most attractive uniforms. Anyway, well done. Your guns are giving me the itch to redo a few for my own mid-18th century Saxon artillery crew.

    Best Regards,


    1. Thanks Stokes, that's part of the charm of the Saxons that they had gunsome that look different from the other nations in structure and also colour. Austrians really only come close for me in the colour stakes.

  4. A very colourful and unique unit!

    1. Thank Ian, I'm hoping someone will bring out the Saxon guns. If they did I'd quickly do a few more batteries as the figures were easy to convert and paint.

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks very much Fran, good to see you buddy!

  6. I've been looking forward to another post and catching up on your progress.
    I admire your resolve and ability Paul to convert anything so small
    Well done

    1. Thanks Valley boy, they weren't to bad to convert to be honest. The shaping if the barrels and the howitzer especially were the only trouble. Glad you like them!

  7. Top work Paul I have enjoyed watching the progress .
    Regards Gav .

    1. Thanks Gav,it's maybe been to much commitment to 1 project? When I look at the guns they were not so hard to do. If I hadn't been so cautious with them I could have had them converted in a few days.

  8. Thanks very much Rodger, they were fun and it's good to have them finished!

  9. Very interesting about the colour of the guns. I think mine are the yellow ochre rather than the bright yellow….so I guess I will have to change mine. Great reference point….as usual. Excellent result!

    1. Hi Francis,
      I wouldn't go for my colour, I would have went for a darker shade to be honest. Can't imagine them being this vibrant with the paints available back them?

  10. Another great Saxon unit with the huge bonus of them being unique with all those saucey conversions. I can't help but admire your work on the 18mm fellows and their guns. Beautiful.

    FWIW, I tend to agree with your comment re the vibrancy of the yellow.

    von Peter himself

    1. Thanks Peter, they were fun but hopefully someone will release the raabe guns so I don't have to do it again 😆

  11. Fantastic looking figures...what an inspiration!

    1. Thanks very much Colbourne, very kind of you buddy! Glad you like them!
