My brother David picked up a couple of the unpainted Hovel Hougoumont buildings in 15mm at the Falkirk show last year as a little side project to see how he got on painting it.
And he decided in amongst his main projects he would build the complete complex for our future battles and this is where he is at so far.
David picked up the last of the wall sections on Saturday so I would guess it will be finished pretty soon.
I'm well impressed with this as terrain is not my strong point. I have been trying to convince David to scratch build some buildings for our 1812-13 battles for a while now so fingers crossed.
On another note I managed to swap away a large part of my 28mm Napoleonic armies that had been lying around for almost 20 years and replaced them with more 15mm Napoleonic figures that I feel I will be able to finish.
On another note I managed to swap away a large part of my 28mm Napoleonic armies that had been lying around for almost 20 years and replaced them with more 15mm Napoleonic figures that I feel I will be able to finish.
I called my brother David to tell him about it at the start of the New Year for him to tell me that over the Christmas break my nephew David had painted up a Perry artillery crew and gun (left) and he had worked his way through a plastic Perry French battalion! (awaiting bases below)
To give you an idea if you have not already read in my older posts I had hoped that my brother and I would do the 28mm Naps together but David was not confident that he could paint the 28mm figures. Anyway with the army painter method he has been able to get a lot done, and has bought more.
20 years my 25mm/28mm Napoleonic figures lay in lofts, 20 years!!!! Thankfully I still have some Elite Prussians to fight their new found love of 28mm Perry plastic French figures!