ok WHATS NEXT? 7 Things you probably didn't know about me:
1. I am very shy by nature and am not so comfortable in daylight. I think it has something to do with my red hair, pale skin and freckles? Yes I am a red head (actually more golden now)
2. For a couple of years I worked as a male stripper until a very unfortunate groin injury from the heel of an ex-girlfriend cut my career short.
3. I lived in Slovakia for a short while and managed to travel around most of Eastern Europe during that time. Probably the best time of my life as I didn't have a mortgage to pay!
(beautiful part of the world)
4. I was a Graphic Designer for around 12 years in a former life and very much enjoyed it and picking up a few awards along the way too. I miss my Mac (only time in my life I felt respected in a job).
5. After some intense physiotherapy I tried to make a comeback at the stripping but when your wife laughs you off the stage you know it's time to hang up the old elephant G-string!
6. I'm married to a little Filipina lady who is older than me!!! :0) (Yes you are, little old lady!!)
7. Oh I don't know? I don't like odd numbers as they are too fiddly, I mean 7 what can you do with a 7? try dividing it by 2 and see what happens!
Legal disclaimer: Either all, some or very little of the text above may be false. In true Hollywood style I leave it up to you the reader to decide. I got Tiger blood baby! :-)
And now to the really difficult bit, of all the excellent blogs I follow which 10 will receive the finger of fate? It could be you?
Drum Roll
Well it was a rough nights sleep last night but I have finally decided on the 10 blogs/bloggers who will receive my nomination for the Stylish Blogger Award, and the Nominees are again in no particular order as you are all great!!!
1. Ken over at: http://napoleonicadventures.blogspot.com/ Ken and I have almost 100% the same interest in figures, scale and nations and I have had loads of fun and interesting discussions with Ken since starting back into Naps.
2. Sgt Steiner over at : http://sgtsteiner.blogspot.com/ Sgt. Steiner seems to be pulling out great looking armies almost ever week and anyone who can do that deserves an award in my book.
3. Ged over at: http://gerryjelliottsituation.blogspot.com/ This is 1 mans love of our hobby with his friends and family joining in to make what looks to be 1 of the most impressive wargames holiday destinations I have seen!
4. Roger over at: http://rtbatlarge.blogspot.com/ Not only has Roger managed to put together a brilliant collection of 28mm armies, he is also a really nice bloke and we have been bouncing Naps info off each other for a good while now and he has helped keep my own interest in our hobby flowing.
5. Robert over at: http://skyoriszag.blogspot.com/ I started following Roberts Russian project a good while back and it has been a great inspiration for my own and again Robert has been a great help with many things hobby related.
6. Mr P over at: http://peelerswargamespage.blogspot.com/ The energy and enthusiasm Mr P puts into our hobby is there to be seen in his blog. I believe every wargame he takes part in he enjoys. Keep up the great blogging!
7. From Captain Richard over at:http://captainrichardsminiaturecivilwar.blogspot.com/ This is 1 of my favourite blogs, If you are into ACW figures and history you have to see this blog! He actually scratch built a Union observation balloon in 28mm!
8.From Matt over at: http://matratmatt.blogspot.com/ Matts work has slowed down his figure output of late and his Naps blog has been put on ice for the moment but still loads of excellent figures to be seen!
9. From Ian over at: http://hintonhunt.blogspot.com/ A different style of wargames figures (would it be fair to call them Old School Ian?). Real dedication to his love of toy soldiers and nostalgia for the figures he collected some years back. After seeing his blog I now have the odd shifty around bring and buys just in case there are some HH figures going cheap that may help him out with his collection.
10. From Neil over on: http://wargamespainting.blogspot.com/ Neil has helped me and my brother David in a huge way with our 15mm Napoleonic collection. I know he doesn't get much time for painting but what he has done so far is excellent. He also has some other cool blogs if you are into FOW or 40K.
Thanks to the guys for nominating me and also for all the bloggers doing brilliant figures and posting them online for our inspiration! Best regards Paul
Hi Paul,
So this award thing is a piss take?!? I find it hard to spot these things since I got the sense-of-humour bi-pass a few years ago.
RazorOne nominated me the other day,I suppose I'll have to tell a few facts about myself then.
Anyway, I got back from the game at Ayton yesterday which was brilliant.
Hi Ken,
I think it is just a bit of fun but it is still very nice to be nominated by fellow bloggers who share the same interests. It was my wife that kindly pointed out to me if we all keep nominating 10 blogs then by the end of the year probably every blogger who has an interest in painting wee toy soldiers will have received 1!!!
By the way I am nominating you as 1 of my 10! :0)
Awe ra best
Good to hear especially number 2, congratulations on your 3 awards.
LoL! A good read Paul! Hmm still debating about whether the male stripper bit is true or false! :-)
Will need to check out your recommendations. They all sound interesting!
Hi Angry L and KP,
My past is a dark and spotted past.
Na, to be honest I haven't got much interesting to post about myself unfortunately so I have to try and be a little bit interesting.
Glad it made you chuckle KP.
Thanks for the nomination! ANy idea when and where the Stylish blog award originated from?
Nice one! You've pleased Fran, he always believed he was the only ginger wargamer!
Hi Ray,
I had spotted that Fran was a red head and instantly felt a kinship with him!
Funnily enough I was watching the Southpark episode last night where Cartman is tricked into thinking he is a redhead and unites fellow gingers to his cause.
I must admit as a young lad when I would see a good looking lass with a lad with red hair I would secretly think to my self "good on you brother" ;-)
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