I took all my Old Glory Prussian and Russians down to the club yesterday on the off chance of a game but unfortunately
(or probably fortunately for me as I was burned out from night shift) my opponent was unable to make it. So to avoid getting roped into playing ACW
(and getting beaten up, you got to watch your flank!!) or playing
LOTRings with the younger lads
(and yes you guessed it, get beaten up) I decided I would have a lazy day and take a final role call of my armies I have been working through this past year before putting them to bed and moving onto my next project . . .
So here they are, you're probably sick of the sight of them by now! I have 6 battalions finished and another 6 packed away for another time.

DT leading his men on.

I am totally surprised at how nice the
OG Russians turned out. I admit it I didn't care for them when I 1st seen them.

However they have
definitely grown on me and I thing they make up a nice wee army.

A big thanks to everyone who helped me out with reference info and basically pointing me in the right direction.

And a huge thanks to
Suvoroff again for the excellent flags!

And here is my other little army that I am going to take a break from, my Prussians. I actually have a number of battalions in the process of being finished and I'll probably bumble through them over the next few months but the unpainted units are all boxed up and put out the way to save me from distraction.

This will be my last Prussian battalion finished for a while, my second battalion of the guard. I'm chuffed with how these guys came out.

I tried to blend the
OG figures in with the AB by filing
their shako's down. The vast majority of my guard figures are AB which makes them stand out from the line units.

These are the figs I have been itching to get at, the
Ekaterinoslav cuirassiers!
(I new there was a reason I picked up that Foundation orange) I started testing out colours for the rest of the unit on these 2 figures and I have 11 finished now
(I need to paint up 35 of the buggers!!!)

The figures are just gorgeous and the horses . . . well they are
definitely the best I have seen in 15mm
(except the 1 with the mad planted leg but still miles better than the OG nags).
So this next few months I will be mostly painting AB Russians!