Monday 30 March 2015

3rd Battalion Landwehr WIP

I've started to get right into the final battalion of my 6th Silesian Landwehr regiment. I'm really enjoying my painting at the moment possibly because I'm finally starting to see my Prussians looking like a good sized army? Anyway here's my progress:

As promised some still pics below

iPad isn't really giving the kind of pics I would like compared to my old camera and phone but they will do till I work something else out. The trousers on the figures above I'll probably add an extra lighter shade as I've went very subtle with the highlight.

Again you can't really see the shading on these guys but not to matter as in the flesh they look nice to me.

And these wee guys came out fine to.

Still a good amount to go, I'll spend a few hours on a row today and see how I get on. I have a painting  session planned with my nephew David on Sunday so I'll maybe get some more done then.

Have a good 1!

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Prussian Collection 2015

Sorry for the recent dip in posts on my blog, been working a wee bit to much lately however I've still been making a little progress here and there. The last battalion of my 6th Silesian landwehr are well underway now and if I keep plugging away they should be completed mid April. Anyway I thought it was about time I posted an update of where I'm at with my Prussians.

You can see a very low quality video on my YouTube channel here:

And below are some pics of the collection although they don't look so grand photographed on my iPad however you should get the general idea!

So 1st up a pic of the whole lot, they are starting to mount up now at long last!

These are my cavalry elements so far, lights on the left and heavies on the right. I hope to add another landwehr cavalry regiment as well as a uhlan and possibly another couple if hussar regiments in charging poses (I have the figures already tucked away). I have the East Prussian National Kavalry to add as well as 1 more dragoon regiment then maybe the Von Lutzow freicorp mixed unit of black hussars and uhlans, plus commands will be required (we will see!)

A close up of the heavies showing our progress from hand cut bases on the rear OG dragoons to regular cut bases to the final warbases laser cut bases that you really can't beat.

The lights are probably the best troops in my army, especially the uhlans and landwehr cavalry as I started to move away from painting over someone else's paint job. Just to fill you in when I started Naps again and especially when I discovered AB I had just purchased a new home plus I was not long married. I didn't have a great amount of cash to spend on figures so I had to trade my 28mm Naps and picked up groups of troops unpainted and painted where I could.

The artillery and some commands, a mix of old glory and AB, the AB horse battery is on my list of targets to be finished this year!

This is the core of my army and is coming together well. I'll hopefully finish the Silesian landwehr and also the Kurmark landwehr regiments this year (famous last words!)

I'm thinking that blucher could use a little TLC like Napoleon had, his group was done with the AP dip but I'm thinking of spending some more time on their shading.

A close up of the Silesian landwehr. I've learned a lot while painting these battalions. I'll do a post on the regiment when completed explaining the different painting techniques I used.

And my beloved Old Glory Prussians, the figures that reignited my napoleonic passion again!

I think the OG Prussians are a good range to collect on their own however the horses are not the best and require a good deal of cleaning up.

And here are my old Minifigs Prussians, when I 1st started collecting these guys I would buy 4 or maybe 5 packs at a time as that's pretty much what I could afford at the time. I think I bought my 1st packs around about 14 or 15 along with my brother David in Glasgow. A big difference from spending £100 plus on a few regiments of AB cavalry and infantry.

Anyway that's it for the moment, I have a good number of Prussians and other nations to paint over the next few years so I'll see how I get on. I'm not 100% sure but I may have purchased my last AB figures from fighting 15's? There are various bits and pieces I would like to buy but I have enough to go on with for the next few years. 

I'd like to say a massive thanks to my friend Malc who very kindly sent up for goodies he didn't need and a very special item that is very well received. Among the items was a pack of BH Prussian commanders. These I have already made plans to remount on the newer AB horses and will help complete my prussian commands, thanks Malc!!!

Happy wargaming everyone!
Regards Paul 

Thursday 19 March 2015

Gunners Painting Service

A big shout out to Dan over at Gunners Wargaming Blog (possibly a big arsenal fan or he has been in the artillery?).

If you have seen Dan's excellent painting and conversions then you will be pleased to hear that Dan has started his own painting service and to kick off his new venture is very kindly offering a bit of free painting on selected items. You can enter over on Dan's blog here (or maybe not enter giving myself a better chance of winning as I could do with the help getting my own troops painted!!!):

You can also check out Dan's price list over on his blog here:

Have a nice weekend and happy wargaming!

Awe ra best

Sunday 8 March 2015

Waterloo Battle Report 22/2/15

This was the 2nd game on the go at the Falkirk wargames club on the last Sunday of February over in Grangemouth. It was the assault of the French guard on the allied held ridge line at Waterloo and was played by Robert and Peter as the allies and Martin (I believe) as the French.

A few shots of the battlefield. Looks like the guys got their hands on lots and lots of old five a side footballs and cut them to pieces to make the terrain? So Robert I believe supplied the allies with a couple of Dutch Belgians form Gary and Martin supplied the French.

I think you will agree a fine looking table. The guys managed to get 2 games in to our 1!

So the French begin their advance.

Some close up pics of the allied lines, 95th rifles at the front. 

Some more Brits I would guess?

Minifigs and old glory Nassau I think with what looks like AB British hussars?

Combat looks to be well underway now in this pic.

The French guard, looks like a mix of old glory, minifigs and AB?

The guard advance is definitely in full swing!

Some persky British lights out flanking the advancing French.

The allied high command encouraging the troops forward.

More pics of Robert's excellent allies

The French attack goes in . . .

To be honest I wasn't paying much attention to this table, the allies won the 1st game and the French the 2nd.

Painting wise I'm just finishing off a Prussian landwehr battalion a Von Lutzow battalion and I have also started some more command bases. I'll post pics as they come together.

Happy wargaming
Awe ra best Paul 

Thursday 5 March 2015

Prussian WIP 5/3/15

A few Prussians that are showing a good bit of progress.

Von Lutzow freicorp fusilier battalion are on their bases with sand applied.

However after the recent game of plancenoit I vowed to increase my landwehr in my army. 4th battalion of 6th Silesian landwehr 6 figures shy of completion!

I'm taking a break as I maxed out on them over a 1-2 week period. I plan to have the brigade finished by the end of March, I've cleaned up most of the other battalion and have a few ready to paint.

Also a wee bit of conversion fun, I switched the heads of the 2 AB prussian ADC and it worked pretty well, creating an infantry ADC or staff officer full dress and a hussar Officer with bicorne.

The other command is only one conversion, a Shako head added instead of cap as I already had the figure used in cap and the other guy will receive a satchel and become a Feldjaeger officer.

So that's it for the moment

Happy wargaming!

Best Paul