Monday 25 June 2018

Visit to Waterloo

I was incredibly lucky to have had the chance to travel to 1 of our Napoleonic bucket list battlefields this month. With 3 other Napoleonic daft chaps we made the pilgrimage to Waterloo for the 203 anniversary!

It was an awesome trip and will remain in my memory for the rest of my life!!!

A really cool and funny thing. We were doing a staged closing of the gate pic. We had just finished and had started walking away when I thought I heard a knock on the gate, we looked over the wall and standing before us was a good number of French Napoleonic re-enactors in full gear looking to gain entry to hougoumont, class!!!

To stay in period we should really have denied them entry, however we decided that both Europe and times had changed, so we showed them round to the museum entrance. 😁

Wednesday 16 May 2018

Prussian Yorck progress

I'm gonna try and reignite my blog. I met a few people recently who have said they enjoyed seeing my progress on the blog and it's given me a kick to try again. Time has been short all around my life and hobby time has had to be cut back but I still paint when I can.

So I had this command sitting around and decided to get it going again. Short and sweet as I'm uploading on my phone and I know if I try to add any more pictures blogger will struggle.

 A late addition. These are a start to a fast paint project for a friend in the USA. If your in the Napoleonic Wargamer group you'll know the circumstances.

Hope everyone is well. Happy wargaming!

Sunday 25 March 2018

Saxon Guard Battalion 1813

I'm struggling to maintain the blog as anyone reading this will have guested. Doing plenty of stuff, mostly WW2 in 20mm, lots and lots of building plus painting. I have recently finish this Battalion. I have a few videos in youtube of what I've been working on if anyone is interested.

Small limits in the technology I use and lack of time to get on the laptop hold me back from using blogger more, problems mostly with downloading/uploading pics on my phone and problem with blogger app on iPad air that only shows half my post when editing.

I've completed a Russian Jäger battalion, 5 figures away from completing a Pavlov battalion and half way through another Russian jäger battalion.

Anyway, sorry for the odd post.
Happy wargaming!