Well it's been a busy old time with my wife and I deciding we really needed to get the house in order. We have spent every little piece of free time over the past couple of months trying to make the front and back gardens look a little bit less like the clampits and boy am I glad it's over with
(for the moment).
I have been desperate to get my paints out for ages but with no painting area to call my own I managed to avoid it as the thought of having to pack them away again after 1 hour just didn't appeal to me.

Finally I got stuck into my 1st AB Russian battalion last night and it's coming along nicely.
The figures are an absolute dream to paint and I have the final figures all prepared to finish off over the next couple of nights. I plan to have a good sized army put together for 2012 so as to have some refights down the club and with my brother and nephew.

I started these Russian cuirassiers a good while back and after a great start put them to the side. The thought of painting thirty five of them knocked me off a bit and I have decided to space them in between my other units.

I think the Russian cuirassiers are my favourite AB figures I have seen so far.

And the horses are just perfect.

This wee guy was pretty tricky but I think he came out fine.

A big thank you to Suvoroff for the excellent Russian flags. I did a little bit of repainting to this 1 and there will be a white 1 in the unit as well.

1 thing about the AB Russians I find a problem is the lack of command figures compared to say the French. I will have to convert a few to make them all different. This is my 1st effort and was going to be part of my cuirassier command but I think he will probably be a dragoon commander?

Ahhh!!! my Old Glory landwher. I just can't seem to get these guys finished. All it would take is 2hrs work to get them ready to varnish and for some reason they are still lingering!!!

The weird thing is I really like them too?
I'll try to keep the updates coming along regularly now, happy figure painting and wargaming!!!!