This last couple of weeks have been a complete washout as regards gaming and painting my wee men as I have been living off 4-5hours sleep a day. I feel like the little lass out of the exorcist with my head spinning around. Thankfully I got a couple of days break from my crazy schedule and with a bit of luck JP had arranged a game of Naps down at our club. Worked out lucky for both of us in the end as the lad who was meant to be playing JP decided not to turn up and didn't bother to contact him either.
So JP let me know there was a game on and I put out the feelers to see who else was interested and we ended up with 5 players in all.

Robert and Von Hannah played the Prussians while JP, Billy and myself played the French.

The Prussians were defending for the day with JP, Billy and myself popping out to have a little discussion about out route of attack. It was decided that Billy and JP would try to punch a whole in Von Hannah's line and I would use my 2 cuirassier regiments and an infantry brigade to hold the Prussian right flank at bay.

Robert was in charge of the Prussian right with a couple of brigades of infantry and a couple of cavalry regiments
(1 light and 1 landwher). So my cuirassiers should have the upper hand.

Robert seemed set on an aggressive approach so my engage orders were switched to assault and my cavalry took the fight right to Roberts advancing troops.

I rolled a double six in 1 melee and high in the other so the Prussian cavalry on the left was pretty much taken care of.

With the resulting rolls my cuirassiers returned to their own lines to sort themselves out.

Meanwhile my infantry steadied itself to hold the flow of advancing Prussians, however their eyes were firmly fixed on trying to stem the flow of Frenchmen smashing into the Prussian centre.

Despite Von Hannah's heavy cavalry chasing away JP's light cavalry on the Prussian left and him rolling an incredible number of way above average dice
(with his solid metal dice that we are sure he got from!) eventually the French battalions managed to punch a huge hole in the Prussian centre and a French victory was declared!!!
A good game and I'm sure enjoyed by all even if we were a bit rusty. Figures were from the collections of JP, David P and my own.