Sorry for the lack of updates, real life has been getting in the way of my wee hobby. My job is going through some changes at the moment and I should be changing shift pattern pretty soon. Also my loft continues to come together at a slow pace with the floor down and 2 windows in place it's really taking shape and hopefully within a few months I will finally have a permanent place to paint and game (and more importantly for my wife have a place to store all my gear out of her sight!).
Saturday we managed to get a game of Naps on the go again (report to follow) and I took the chance to get some snaps of a little side project I have on the go. Years ago when I was building my 1/72 and 1/76 scale tanks I was hunting around for quality buildings that could be detailed and added to little late war diorama's. I looked at model railway buildings and although lovely the scale was out for what I needed.
However I've been planning on doing some built up area's for my 1813 Prussians (the type you see in the background of the Osprey books). I picked up some resin buildings at shows and had also been thinking of making a good few myself until it came to me that possibly the railway buildings may do the Job? A quick search on ebay and I spotted that Faller, Kibri and others had produced just what I was looking for! and HO/OO is a great match for 15mm.
We spotted a huge full walled German town for £80 boxed (great value). If my wargaming plans come together over the next couple of years I will buy it, split it up and use it for some eye candy.
They look good, I use railway buildings for my modern gaming, they can be useful and sometimes a bargain.
I've seen the use of railway buildings in several dio's, and it just depends on the make if they fit yes or no.
But I see you make good use of them Paul ;-)
Great idea Paul
Looking forward to seeing the finished town
very nice buildings. As we wargame in 6mm, railway buildings appear hard to come by in the scales required but a friend of mine informed me that Z guage (or possible N guage!) are perfect for 6mm so I may check them out as a source of buildings for future Naps campaigns.
I used to be a model railroader - it's likely a much bigger hobby than historical gaming given the much wider range of choice. If you game with 20mm, 10mm or 6mm figures there is a close match to HO, N and Z scale.
Some of the "craftsman-style" kits are amazing - check out a company called Bar Mills models. The only catch with most of the detailed model railroad stuff is that the buildings tend to be placed in a spot and not moved around so they can be a bit delicate - you need to reinforce them to make 'em have a longer tabletop lifetime
These buildings look quite good.
I think I will have moved house and job before your loft is complete Paul. The sheer luxury of having a loft room will be fantastic. You will be able to put the builinds down like a traditional railway layout, just dont get tempted with any trains!
Thanks for the comments guys.
Once I have given these an airbrush over added some fine detail and put them into bases that can hold 36 or 50 men then I am sure they will be cool.
Phil B, you are in luck as the N and Z guage have loads of cool buildings!
I definately will check out the Bar Mills stuff!
Thanks again
Nice job on finishing those buildings
Thanks Captain,
Hopefully when I get them cleaned up, based and painted they will look the business.
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