My nephew David and I decided to have a wee game of GdB today at the club. I had been well oiled the night before and was a bit worse for ware so David set up the terrain and chose the scenario. The Prussians had been duffed over in a previous battle (probably last week!!!) and had pulled back setting up a defensive line awaiting the pursuing French.
David's been rattling through some AB guard (a Christmas present from me 2 years ago, and they say I am a slow painter!!) so it gave him the chance to get them on the table.

David was expecting me to set up right across from him but I decided to defend the left corner and try to force his French troops into a narrow funnel of death!

View from behind the allied lines

Somehow I managed to not get a good front pic of Davids newly based guard!!!

The guy who's doing my loft called off Wednesday leaving me with a free afternoon and knowing David was working through some guard I headed up to give him a hand. I had cleaned up this command group for him a few months ago so it only took a couple of hours to get some colour on them.
I took the Marshal pretty much to a finish and David has added the detail to the rest. Almost done, the wee guy at the back will have a guard fanion added. I think a destroyed cannon would look cool with a Prussian casualty resting against it?

My Prussians shuffling into position to await the French onslaught.
David decided to take on my Prussian dragoons with 2 cuirassier regiments. It could have been a decisive move but with the lack of space they ended up bottled in between his own advancing infantry and the wood!

The Battlefield as the French begin their advance. My 2
cuirassier regiments were up against Davids lights. With me setting up 1st I was sure David would put his
cuirassiers up against my own leaving his lights to mop up my dragoons.

Things are starting to look scary!!!

Davids 1st charge with his
cuirassiers sends my dragoons into retreat
unforming my horse battery and leaving it at the mercy of the advancing French! Thankfully his horses are blown and have to return to his own lines.

Then began a series of crazy dice. In the charge faze David had the chance to charge the unformed artillery and rolled a double 1! Then I rolled a double 6 from the front of the square and faltered his other
cuirassiers! Once my dragoons had reformed I tried to charge 1 of the French columns and rolled a double 1!
It was all a bit of a kerfuffle
In the end my 2
cuirassier regiments destroyed Davids lights and my infantry were gaining the upper hand after another double 6 with my horse battery and some high dice in melee. We probably made loads of mistakes but it was fun. We seriously need more practice as the gaps between games at times can be months.