I've also been working on a Bavarian limber team converted from a Battle Honours
(maybe AB?) Austrian limber team.
Again thanks to RtL for help on uniforms and kit and also to Martin at Warbases in Dunfermline who was decent enough to cut up some special sized bases for my limbers and cassions.

A straight swap of heads pinned in place here. I also added the shoulder scales and lapels in green stuff as well as shaping the canteen to the Bavarian style.
I know the horses are too dark and my nephew David will probably yet again point this out to me but what can I say the uniforms are bloody bright ;-)
The limber should be finished but I broke a couple of the attachments when varnishing so I put it to the side. This is 1 of a number of limber and cassion teams I am working on as I have none in my armies at present.
Note of appeal: I have a spare Austrian rider and 2 spare horses and have converted an Essex French cassion for my Bavarians but I am still short an AB/Battle Honours Austrian rider and 2 limber horses to finish it off (same as above). Does anyone have any spare? I am willing to trade for them to save me buying another from AB.
Wrede and staff: A lot of conversion work here with hats rotated to give a later style and since I took this photo I have added a cloak with upper cloak to the officer pointing and Wrede has received a sash diagonally plus the hats and saddle cloth details have been added. All are AB figures
(Bavarian cavalry on guard, at the rear left, Bavarian officers are a converted British officer, a converted Austrian officer and 2 early Prussian officers) still with lots to do.

You will see the mounted Bavarian in helmet cropping up again
(maybe he is Franz Hausmann?). I got a bunch of them in a job lot
(cheers Steve) and decided to use them whenever I could.
The figures look much different now!
I have a couple spare AB light cav remounts I can send. I still have your address.
Anyway I'm off back home now to blow things up in the back garden!
Hi Ken,
Thanks for the offer of the light cav but I think they will be too big if they are French? The Austrian limber team I have are pretty small compared to all the French and Russian cavalry I have. I was thinking maybe someone would have a spare 2 horses and rider like I had with mine as the limbers come with 3 riders and 6 horses.
Hope you had fun blowing things up.
Hi Paul,
Sorry I was in such a hurry to get back home I didn't read your blog properly and assumed it was for command base not limbers.
Well if you are ever short of a couple of standing/walking horses just ask.
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